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This is the new format for my newsletter. I decided it was time to let go of the "Letter From Serendipity", since few people now remember why it's called that (from the time I taught at the university in Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka's old Arab name was Serendib).

I'm also shifting the emphasis from lots of small thought bites to one or two more in-depth pieces. You'll get them first in an email. Then the articles will be archived. Needless to say, they will remain important sharings with my subscribers... and definitely outside the box!

List Of Issues and Topics:

1. 10 Myths Of Aging Debunked By Yours Truly

The amount of ignorance and dis-information on this topic out there is astonishing. I could have found 50 myths, probably, from the one that you can't influence aging and it's a waste to time, all the way to the fact that it's in your genes (which it is NOT!)

2. Pueraria mirifica HRT or "herbal remedy from Thailand"

HRT is Dr. Garry Gordon's joke: herbal remedy from Thailand. However the magic health-protective of this remarkable plant compound are far from a joke.It isn't HRT at all. It's one of the most amazing substances in the plant pharmacopeia, especially for women's health.

3. Mediterranean Diet

The evidence just piles in; this is the way to live. It goes back thousands of years and is also a very enjoyable diet to eat.

4. Chelation Therapy Under Attack

One of the greatest healing intervantions I know is IV chelation, giving vitamins and minerals, plus removing toxins!

5. Weight Loss Mind Strategy + Four Fundamentals Of Disease

A 3-part letter this week. 4 fundamentals of disease will give you a sharper insight into the subject of health.

6. A Woman Is The Environment For Her Eggs

My wife came up with this: she's right... a woman doesn't just carry her eggs for life, she is their environment, the world in which they live!

7. Engine Speed. The Thyroid Gland

Probably the most under-diagnosed pathology today. In the Western world it's missed 98% of the time. Doctors are obsessed by one WORTHLESS blood test, which they think says there is "no problem".

8. The Vitamin That Conquered The World

The British nation came close to conquering the world (in fact their language almost has). Could the secret of Limey success in war and trade all come down to one vitamin in one little fruit plant?

9. Is This The Real Cause Of Arthritis, Not Age?

It's a remarkable new view that bacterial infections in joint spaces could be a very serious cause of arthritis and skeletal pain. How do we know? Taking antibiotics sometimes clears up joint pains!

10. What You Don't Hear About Laetrile Could Cost You Your Life

Everyone has heard of the remarkable health and longevity of the Hunzas, living in the Karakoram Mountains to the north of India (what is now Pakistan). Why are they so fit and strong? Well, one thing is for sure... it's not eating apricot kernels. That's just a clever marketing myth and Dr. Keith kills the sacred cow of Laetrile this week.

11. The Birth Of Cosmic Medicine

Dr. Keith talks about the expansion of his masterwork "Virtual Medicine", a book which opened a new paradigm in its day but is now overtaken by huge advances and needs updating.

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12. The Drug Company Hitler Invested In

How the pharma giant Merck defrauded the American government with perverted science, faking results to make it look like their mumps vaccine was more effective than it really was. It's a crime against humanity. But has anyone gone to jail?

13. Bang Bang You're Dead!

Dr. Keith and wife Vivien on holiday in Saint-Tropez and Monte Carlo. So just some quick notes, including "knowledge as entertainment", which will explain the main title!

14. The Fiber Story

If you are confused by it all, you won’t be after reading this. Dietary fiber has been a much misunderstood nutrient. Many people know it is important, but not much more than that. It’s time to straighten it all out and make it nice and simple.

15. The End Of Toxic Cancer Therapies In View

Amazingly, orthodox doctors (well, some orthodox doctoers) are coming round to the view that the immune system is what saves us from cancer. They even have clever new techniques to trick cancer cells and help out our immune systems. The end of ghastly old chemotherapy is in view!

16. Might You Suffer From Digital Dementia?

It's starting to happen... people are so welded to their digital gadgets, like iPads, tablets, smart phones, computers, etc. that they have started to go loopy with a new kind of dementia attributed to digital devices. Trouble is, our bodies or NOT digitally wired (yes-no), they are analogue.

It's only going to get worse!

17. The Magic Of Aging

You probably thought of old age as the path to ruin. Well, that's not really true. It’s a wondrous process that has more positives than negatives. Middle age and beyond is not something most species get to live through. New ideas suggest that this vital later phase of life, denied to other creatures, is precisely why human beings have ended up taking over the planet!

18. Get Tanned Not Skin Cancer

It's that time of year in the Northern Hemisphere... People are out on the beach, in the sun, getting burned. Smart ones use sun block creams, otherwise you get skin cancer...

NO! Smart people know that sunscreen creams are what CAUSE cancer. Science shows that the best protection against skin cancer in sunshine! Learn the real facts and don't join the ignorant army who march boldly towards deadly melanomas, believing their stupid medical advisors, telling them to slather and slop creams and stay out of the sun.

19. When Is Cancer Not Cancer?

When it's being overdiagnosed (deliberately) and used as an excuse to treat patients who don't really need therapy. That massages the figures and makes the treatment look better than it really is.

Now a working group sanctioned by the National Cancer Institute has come up with a position statement, making it pretty clear that no-one accepts this current situation as ethical.

20. Get Those Juices Flowing! I mean It!

Sounds a bit corny, doesn't it. But I mean getting extra-cellular fluid detoxed and unblocked, so cells can function and receive adequate nutritional support. If the internal fluid environment is sludged up, the cells can't benefit from any therapeutic substances. What's more they age faster! This is about PEMF.

21. OK, This Is Your Test Exam Question

Dr. Keith teases the readership with a quiz relating to an unpleasant event which happened to him in Switzerland. He gives a description and the symptoms and you have to guess what caused it (and how would you treat it?)

PLUS: amazing use of smart phone apps for eye examinations and "The Fourth Wave".

22. This'll Make You See Red!

Red light has emerged as an amazing new therapeutic tool. It's so simple you can do it yourself and it helps fight inflammation, allergies and cognitive decline (senility).

Plus the fact the obesity-related deaths have quadrupled.

And would you believe that the right brain/left brain thing is really a bit of a myth? We all use both sides; men and women alike.

23. Our World Has Changed Forever (Not for better).

Clue: it's about Fukushima. Dr. Keith finally comments. There has been plenty said but with the emergance of the fact that the leakage is 100-fold worse than claimed at first, coupled with the fact that Pacific food supplies are suddenly in jeopardy make this story of lies and cover up a danger to every one of us.

As Dr. Keith says, the main health concern is not simply the amount of radioactivity released but the insanely toxic lies that the Tokyo Electrical Power Company (TEPCO) has taken as an entitlement!

24. More About the Fu*kushima Disaster

One of the big (I mean BIG) problems you may not have connected with yet is the corruption of the Earth's nutrient supply, due to what I shall christen the Fu*kushima Disaster.

Spirulina, krill oil, herrings (the "silver darlings" of history ,) plankton and our much-loved Quinton marine plasma are all facing possible oblivion . So far it's looking worse than all the ecological damage done by Monsanto and the other biotech companies put together.

You can go organic and avoid the GMO and pesticide problem.

But you can't ignore food from the ocean.

25. The Real Surprise Antibiotic!

What, iodine? Well, why not. You probably remember when Mom used to spread it on a skin wound (you might have thought she did it to hurt you on purpose!)

Sure, it stings. But it's also very effective. Maybe you don't know but surgeons (at least in my day) swabbed the patient's skin with iodine, before throwing the sterile drapes over the patient, leaving just a teeny window in the fabric to work through.

Truth is, iodine is a very good antiseptic (kills germs dead on contact).

It is also a very good antibiotic. Its use as an antibiotic/antiviral/antifungal has been completely ignored by modern medicine. Keep reading to discover the other important roles iodine has...

26. GMO Foods vs. Human Health

GM foods don’t just make you fat; they will inflame your tissues, shorten your life and definitely cause cancer.

A study published in a peer-reviewed journal: Food and Chemical Toxicology shows that eating GM food is almost certainly contributing to the obesity epidemic. GM foods cause inflammation and I have been at pains to repeatedly remind you that inflammation leads to obesity problems.

But I’m not just limiting my warnings to the weight gain issue. The test animals also showed increases in circulating glucose and triglycerides plus significant damage to major organs. Effects were mostly associated with the kidney and liver, the dietary detoxifying organs, but other effects were also noticed...

27. The Myth of Evidence Based Science

I’m giving a talk next week to the European Parliament MPs (like Congressmen and Women). I’ve been invited to lay into the Big Pharma society model and explain how it is enslaving whole countries economically—like in the USA, the healthcare bill is 14% of the gross national product (GNP); in Britain it’s 7% and so on.

Pharmaceutical companies have a clear agenda (I almost wrote “hidden” agenda, but it’s so blatantly obvious!) for trapping and controlling governments into having to allocate huge sums for the medical care of its citizens which goes into their coffers.

It is based on two very vicious traps...

28. Eye-Opening Study Explains Why Lowering Your Blood Viscosity is Crucial And What You Can Do To Keep Your Blood Youthful & Live Until Your 100 Years Old!

When will the pendulum swing away from the nonsensical obsessive focus on lipid metabolism and move to viscosity and clotting? Most fatal cardiovascular events are blood clots, not fat sludge!

Now a new study from Edinburgh University in the UK has shown conclusively that blood viscosity (its free flowing liquid vs. sludging characteristic) is crucial. It is NOT the quality of artery walls that matters; it’s the quality of the blood itself. Raised blood viscosity is at least as important as two old favorites...

29. Could Stardust Fight Obesity and Aging?

You know, science can be tricky. Even with the best intentions and complete honesty, facts emerge which make it look like someone has been fudging all along.

Take obesity. There could be said to be a “science of obesity” today. We know a lot about it; including the metabolic syndrome, the dangers of belly fat, the inflammatory nature of visceral fat and how all this can lead to degenerative liver disease (fatty liver causes over 50% of cases of cirrhosis; alcohol abuse only 6% of cases).

Fat ages us fast. It also causes progressively earlier death. Obesity is a killer… But wait a minute!

30. One of The Greatest Medicines of All Time is Coming!

Penicillin was big; it has saved billions of lives. It stops infections. There have been some problems; we know… overuse, misuse and so on. But that’s not a problem with penicillin, it’s with doctors. The fact remains penicillin is a towering drug remedy with a miracle history that is awesome to contemplate.

But this is bigger… and you don’t need to have an infection to benefit from it. Everyone gets a result! The truth is, I can’t yet tell you all the details, but I have been shown a confidential document that will turn medicine on its head when it’s published.

In fact I warned one the developers of this cure to take real care; Big Pharma will surely want him dead and has the power and motivation to hire an assassin. It’s happened before…

31. The One Question Doctors Never Think To Ask…

A few days ago a former sweetheart (between wives!) told me her brother had a kidney infection. She was puzzled because he was usually formidably healthy and had never had anything like it before.

It seemed just “out of the blue.” So I asked the one question that doctors NEVER ask (not even most holistic doctors) and that is:

Did he have dental work just a few days before his kidney infection started?

32. MATRIX - A New & Exciting Use of The Word

What do I keep tellin ya? Stay alive! The world is changing fast; medical science is advancing by leaps and bounds.

The time will soon come when you don’t have to die because your kidneys are shot or you had a heart attack or stroke. We can regrow limbs or organs. You could even go back to normal… or better: back to how you were when you were younger and healthier.

33. The 'Flu Silly Season Is On Us

How? By re-growing our bodies; or at least key parts of the body that have been damaged.

Scaremongering at its worst: “You might die of flu. You’d better get a shot.”

Truth: most ’Flu isn’t ’Flu and ’Flu vaccine is next to worthless, sold by hype and fear, without any real science backing (just sounds nice and scientific).

Bear in mind however: real ’Flu is dangerous.

As I revealed in a book I wrote in 1988 (published by Thorson’s, an imprint of Harper Collins), ’Flu is appallingly damaging to organs. I quoted an Italian study on guinea pigs made to inhale the virus and then killed. It showed hemorrhagic necrosis of the adrenals, as well as widespread damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, thyroid and liver.

34. Why the Food Industry Is Not Your Friend

In fact, if I were asked to sum up healthy weight control (and feeling good) in just ONE SENTENCE, here’s what I’d write:

Prepare and cook your own food at home.

Do not buy pre-prepared food of any kind. Buy only the meat, the fish, the vegetables, and learn to cook and serve them, like your Momma and Grandma did!

The food industry doesn’t give a damn about your health. They have a totally different agenda: make money. That’s done by selling you as much food as possible and with the maximum profit margin possible.

35. The Slippery Science of Fats and Oils

There is probably nothing more misunderstood in medicine and nutrition than fats. In fact, if I use the term lipids, it’s all-encompassing and takes into account blood fats too.

Never has there been a subject so hedged about out with lies, ignorance, stupidity, dis-information and dangerous incompetence as this topic.

It kills—yes, KILLS—hundreds of millions of people a year. Doctors, dieticians and government meddlers murder uncountable numbers, due to getting the science wrong.

36. The Health "PotPourri": Cancer Meets Its Nemesis, Anti-Aging, and Fungus...

A little pot pourri* this week! First, a sensational, rather amusing suggestion for anti-aging; you’ll never hear this one from a regular doctor!

It’s bleach! Well, diluted bleach.

I’m serious. I came across a reference in my New Scientist, to a study published in the Journal Of Clinical Investigation, which showed that mice wading in bleach for 30 minutes a day aged dramatically less...

37. Happiness Is For Life, Not Just For Christmas!

What do you take me for, an idiot? -- Charles de Gaulle, when a journalist asked him if he was happy.

Happiness. You are going to be hearing more from me on this theme in the near future. Happiness feels good—but it’s also health building. You’ll live longer if you enjoy life!

But I’m talking about real happiness. At this time of year, we hear messages like “merry” Christmas. For most people that means getting drunk with cronies and finally barfing up in the toilet. That kind of “happiness” is not what I’m talking about.

I mean real, VAST, all-embracing and lasting happiness. The kind that comes at you in a tidal wave of joy. Walk with me, while I talk…

38. The Forgotten Antibiotics That Saved Millions Of Lives

These antibiotics can’t be patented, are cheap, plentiful and are Nature’s blessed gifts to us. You can access them anywhere, except perhaps the darkest polar nights.

Can you guess what they are? Fresh air and sunshine.

You probably think I’m joking. But fresh air and sunlight are among the oldest concepts in medicine. Florence Nightingale famously promoted them. What’s more, they were effective.

39. Virtual Medicine Breaks Every Law of Science & My Health Lesson

It sounds like a joke. But a well-respected subscriber to Prof. Keith’s mailings has reported finding a copy of my book, Virtual Medicine on sale on Amazon (Digital-EU) at $3,000! Now out of print, there is no question it’s a precious book; but $3,000?

Virtual Medicine, when it came out, broke almost all laws of medicine and showed the science (real science) behind many energy medicine and so-called “subtle energy” phenomena.

40. Space Weather The Forecast For The Future Health

It’s hotting up and likely to get worse is the forecast! Well, that’s said as a joke. But it is true that scientific interest in the Sun as a health hazard is hotting up.

In my 1999 book Virtual Medicine I devoted a whole chapter to the fact that we are living in an intense electro-magnetic environment. In scale, it makes the levels of cell phone radiation we worry about so much seem like a wet firecracker to a hydrogen bomb.

41. Is Caffeine More Toxic Than Drugs?

Spiders on marijuana are too laid back to finish the job, while those dosed with the sedative chloral hydrate drop off to sleep before they can lay down more than a few silky filaments, although the web is OK as far as it goes.

On an "upper", such as benzedrine, the spider demonstrates great gusto but not much planning, leaving large holes in the structure. But caffeine seems to have had by far the worst effect and the web is a very chaotic affair. In fact it’s a disaster!

42. Food Fraud: What Are You Really Eating?

Some years ago I read something startling. Oil used to wash syphilitic sores was re-used and sold for cooking purposes (in Africa). In the same book, it told of dead corpses being cut up and sold as antelope meat. It wasn’t the cannibalism that made my flesh creep; it was the fact these were humans who died of leprosy!

Since that time, I have never been squeamish about what food manufacturers do to our food. As a bunch, they are cynical beyond belief, despicable and totally untrust-worthy. Ask my wife and she’ll tell you I’m even suspicious of farmer’s markets and where all that supposedly fresh produce comes from!

43. What Doctors Don’t Tell You…

the Forces of Evil & Darkness on the Move, Yet Again...My friend Lynne McTaggart is at the center of a storm once again. Forces which don’t want the public to read good news on cancer alternatives tried to shut down her magazine What Doctors Don’t Tell You (known affectionately as WDDTY).

It’s all reminiscent of the storm I found myself in last summer, when Marcus Freudenmann and I were threatened by anonymous government heavies, for daring to talk openly to the public about cancer!*

44. Finding the Good In Everything

This is from a section in my new book Boom! which goes on sale next week. Look out for the release. It’s not easy getting sight of the Sun, in dark and stormy skies.

But actually, you can turn anything into a triumph, if you make an effort to frame it with a different perspective. When my first wife Pauline ran off suddenly, I was bereft and thought the happy part of my life was over. It took me years to get over the shock.

45. BEWARE: Even Holistic Practitioners

They want your money, just as sure as money-hungry MDs. Some are good; some are bad; some are downright dangerous.

OK, I guess this week you are in for a diatribe. But something got me mad just a few days ago…

A friend who lives down the road was not feeling well, so I dropped by. Let’s call her Annie. She had been feeling weak and actually fainted at one point, we were told; she had to be picked up off the floor. Vivien and I just wanted to make sure she was OK.

We knew Annie’s current lifestyle and her work was EXTREMELY emotionally stressful at times 

46. The Anti-Aging Vitamin?

Vitamin C, we know, does some pretty cool stuff, apart from just preventing scurvy. A new study finds a link between low vitamin C in the blood and increased risk for intracerebral hemorrhage (stroke).

That’s not surprising, because we know that scurvy is characterized by spontaneous bleeding, especially from the gums (if you get blood on your toothbrush, up your intake of vitamin C and don’t forget the brushing with coconut oil from this issue...). Vitamin C is vital in the manufacture of collagen, which is turn helps support blood vessels and tissues.

47. What Connects Michael Schumacher, Biowarfare and Ben Hur?

The other night Vivien and I were watching the movie Ben Hur. It’s a fabulous spectacle, especially the chariot race! When it got to the part where the bad guy Messala starts using blades on his chariot to grind off the wheels of his opponents, I had one thought: the Michael Schumacher of ancient Rome.

See, the family I married into is big on Formula One racing. My wife and all the in-laws are mad keen on it and even run a family and friends lottery, betting on the winner of each race!

So I know it from the sidelines…. It’s clear that Schumacher was quite a cheat. He was forever pushing the envelope and getting involved in steward’s enquiries. He managed to come away every time without penalties but he was certainly not “clean”.

48. Blood Fats Story Really Screwed Up

So, we all know the model: cholesterol is the problem, too much is a bad thing and it kills you, right? Well no, evidence is emerging for what I have never waivered from over the years, which is that you need more cholesterol than is currently allowed. It may even be healthier to have cholesterol over 200. I have never wavered from this in over 40 years and watch the papers coming out regularly, showing that we need saturated fats to be healthy.

49. These Friendly Viruses Munch Through Deadly Bacteria & Kill Them...

The technical word is a bacteriophage (which means “eater of bacteria”), or often just phage for short. Special viruses have this useful skill. We may harness them for deliberate use, pumping phages into a person challenged with a bacterial infection. We call this “phage therapy”.

It’s a viable alternative to antibiotics. I gave it some coverage in my blockbuster book of alternatives to antibiotics: How To Survive In A World Without Antibiotics.

50. Speak The Electrical Language Of The Body for Ultimate Healing

You will be learning more about this burgeoning specialty in times to come.  I’ve devoted a whole chapter to it in my next book Medicine Beyond (which is a massive re-write and expanded version of Virtual Medicine).

True to its ridiculous history of attacking anything they didn’t think of first, medical orthodoxy has always viciously impugned any suggestion that electrical healing has validity and it's been labeled charlatanism for the best part of a century. Now they are having to eat humble pie and admit that claims, all along, had some validity albeit in a rather hit and miss fashion until the advent of modern scientific trials.

51. Acceptance As a Life Tool

Here’s an abridged piece from my new book BOOM! I first wrote about it back in 1994. This is today’s version…

There are two fundamentals rules of rational living. These equate to a happy life, not only in terms of the "feel good" factor. They also work well as foundations for personal growth, competence and efficiency, in work, play and relationships. Following these rules will lead you towards a "stress-free" emotional environment, meaning no unwanted hostilities.

52. High Voltage Syndrome

If you remain skeptical about electricity’s central role in life forces, just wait for the publication of my new book Medicine Beyond!

Meantime, you need to look at some genuine evidence (it’s also evidence of the fact that science knows nothing, not even the limits of its own ignorance). 

Consider the following intriguing and well-documented cases, that cannot be wished away by mere denial (you know, the old scientific approach: it can’t be true, therefore it isn’t). 

53. Your Medical Avatar

I don’t normally turn to the Wall Street Journal for information. But on this occasion I got it from there first, before my Medscape mailing came around. I used to consider Medscape a lively and open-minded source for interesting news in orthodox medicine, some of it bordering on fringe.

Then Eric Topol, the editor-in-chief, gave serious voice to that charlatan Paul Offit, talking about his scam book Do You Believe in Magic? The Sense and Nonsense of Alternatie Medicine.

54. A Testing Breakthrough For Hidden Cancers

Almost every time I write about cancer, I add the injunction to hang on tight…. Things are moving so very fast that, apart from the corruption in the industry, the problem may soon be solved!

One of the most important things we have been in need of is a way to test for cancers l-o-n-g before there is a tumor. Current medical science cannot detect anything smaller than a pea and even bigger ones often get missed.

55. Resistant Superbugs Are Winning The Antibiotics War Hands Down!

I’ve been warning you for years now. Nemesis day is coming ever closer. There will soon be a time when millions die and we have to watch it, because antibiotics stopped working.

The tragedy is there are hundreds of suitable alternatives what orthodox medicine won’t even consider, because they are not “proper drugs”.

Who cares, if they work? And some work just as good (or better) than antibiotics, without all the side effects.

You might ask, what’s got Prof going on this?

56. Proof of Life After Death?

Before I get started on Bill Gates and drawing truth out of the poison, let me tell you about last week’s Sunday Meeting.

More or less on a whim, I got started on life after death (no not Bible stuff!). I talked my way through one of the chapters of my book Virtual Medicine, called “Biology Beyond Death”. In it I reported on the phenomenon of electronic voice phenomena (EVP), which I’m betting the majority of you don’t know much about.

57. The Surprising Link Between Alzheimer's and Your Diet

Alzheimer’s is the #1 dread disease of age. For many, it’s worse than cancer because at least with that your loved one is in the world with you, while they live out their days.

But with Alzheimer’s, you turn around, and suddenly they are “gone”! No question it’s a frightful prospect. But I’m writing this because today I got a mailer from AARP that had the sillyness and cheek to say, “Alzheimer’s can’t be cured and can’t be prevented.”

58. Don't Skip a Beat...

But first...

Fending For Myself
As I mentioned, my wife Vivien is in Europe, having a great time, in France and the UK. I have had to do my own cooking (cue sad violins…)

Last night I had to make do with butter-glazed Atlantic scallops on a bed of delicious salad with edible flowers, topped with a lemon and blueberry vinaigrette. Desert was a chocolate pudding made ONLY with...

59. Part 1: Prof. Says Breathing Causes Dementia

Again, for newcomers, I should explain that I ran an occasional column in my newsletters entitled “I told ‘em!” So many times in my writings and teachings I was saying things years, or even decades, ahead of the pack. Like “earthing” (aka. “grounding”) for example. Stephen Sinatra MD claims to have invented it; then Clint Ober in his book Earthing.

60. Part 2: How to Detox From Chemical Pollution

Last week I promised you I’d follow up on the problems of chemical pollution with advice on how to deal with it.

Some of this you will already know and some you don’t. But repetition is a good thing; it brings certainty and fluency of knowledge. We could call it health literacy. That’s a key concept because in this day and age, with all the hazards we are exposed to, health illiteracy can be a very dangerous thing.

61. The New You -- Meet Your Health Avatar

This column, as you know, looks far beyond the rest. While they are “advizing” you about doses of vitamins, antioxidants, magnesium and hormones (yes, I do that too), I’m telling you what’s coming down the turnpike and it’s fascinating and actually rather grand in concept.

It’s learning about ourselves in completely new and hitherto unthinkable ways. We are entering the age of the health avatar; a computer simulation that has all of YOU inputted as data: your age, sex, activities, lifestyle, genetic profile, MRI scans, existing diagnoses, allergies and everything else that goes to make up a unique human being called YOU!

62. Part 3: EMF Hazards, Hidden Cell Phone Dangers & EDTA Chelation

This week as promised, I will dive into part 3.  Long before the days of wi-fi and cell phones, people were starting to react to their electrical environment. 

We are under pressure from environmental pollutants, microwave towers, and more science is emerging on these unseen radio waves and emissions can affect your health.  EMF radiation is not only dangerous it affects your body at the cellular level.

63. Tylenol and Autism Link- What’s the Real Cause of Autism?

You know I have been saying for decades that autism is NOT caused by mercury. That theory is dead.

Mr. Nasty—Marc Sircus of Medical Veritas used that statement to call me a madman and accused me online of being in favor of mercury, that I was stupid and had sold out (see link below) — all sitting comfortably in Brasil, where he thinks he’s safe from a libel suit. 1 Sircus has no meaningful medical qualifications but he’s highly opinionated.

64. Can Bee Stings Cure This Dreadful Disease?

Honey bee venom is the “buzz” and it seems to help. Here’s a surprise scientific report.

At the 18th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, in Stockholm, Sweden (June 8-12, 2014), a very interesting paper was presented showing that a combination of acupuncture and bee venom improved symptoms of patients with Parkinson’s Disease.

It’s a bit of a surprise. Acupuncture has been used for years in Asia to relieve Parkinson's symptoms—

65. Got Cancer? Take An Aspirin!

A couple years back I ran a newsletter piece under the same jokey title. Maybe you thought I was kidding? No, really, the science is good.

Remarkable as it may seem, humble aspirin has a strong effect against cancer cells. This is in part due to the fact that cancer is part of the picture caused by our “inflammatory fire”; partly because it has a specific cytotoxic effect—

66. Why Pain Is The King of Symptoms

Pain is the King of symptoms; it demands respect and can be cruel when ignored. It erodes the quality of life, demoralizes the patient and causes a horribly negative emotional response. Those in chronic pain are particularly miserable, because they know it will be back again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next…

But acute pain is bad too, because the patient is not used to it and has no practice at enduring its difficulties.

67. How Vibrations Affect Biologial Behaviors & Tree Hugging

Years ago I lost a mighty volume of poems I had written. As an already-published poet they were not just dreams or self-delusions; these were GOOD poems. I wept over that notebook. It still haunts me; the beautiful language that came to me in the night; up in the skies; on far-flung mountain tops; and by the ocean shore… All gone!

I’ve tried to re-construct some of it but poetry isn’t like that. It’s a moment of intense creation that never comes again.

68. Doctor Lard Says Eat Lard and Butter

Apparently, Dr. Ronald Krauss, UCSF Adjuvant Professor and Director of Atherosclerosis Research at Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, is really to blame for the horrible story, which all vegans and vegetarians are incensed about. It was a recent front cover headline by Time magazine: “Eat Butter”. They are calling him “Doctor Lard” (in derision).

69. Can Stachybotris Mold Make You Lose Your Mind?

Regulars will know about my “I Told ‘Em!” series. It’s almost embarrassing, being 20 – 30 years ahead.

In the early 1980s I had streams of sick patients, many with food allergies, but also with real sensitivities to mold toxins (mycotoxins). It was obvious what was going on. But of course it was all labeled as delusion and fraud because there was “no scientific proof”; the mere fact I got results with my own eyes and own activity doesn’t cut any ice with these guardians of scientific thinking.

70. Ebola: Please Remain Calm & In Your Seats

The last Ebola outbreak in Zaire was NOT an epidemic (and absolutely not even close to a pandemic). The “outbreak” was caused by a bunch of irresponsible nuns/nurses using contaminated syringes, not auto claved properly. People had literally been killed by the hospital they turned to for safe medicine: as told by Richard Preston in his hair-raising scary book The Hot Zone, about the first Marburg and Ebola outbreaks (Ebola was brought to Washington in 1989 and could have run wild but thankfully it didn’t).

71. Launch Of A Powerful Self-Growth Movement

As most of you know, I was in Australia for the last three weeks. It was a great trip. I found there some friendly people who were literally bursting for new ideas and thirsting for effective knowledge. I introduced them to my Supernoetics™, a fine new self-growth movement, based on enlightened and fully-tested mechanics of existence. It's about healing our world in the deepest possible sense, from inside out!

72. Your DNA Secrets and Why There Are No "Universals" In Health (plus quick Ebola Update)...

A couple of weeks back I wrote about the Ebola outbreak and how it was mainly a marker for the distressed health condition of the unfortunate victims, rather than a measure of the viciousness of the virus itself. In other words weakened people will have a disastrous experience, strong healthy people will probably fight it off rather easily.

73. A Breathalyzer Test for Cancer

Remember my jokey piece: Dr. Fido will see you now!1 I wrote about the fact that dogs could be trained to sniff out cancers with a high degree of accuracy (better than blood tests and x-rays).

Of course, if dogs can smell tumors, that must mean there are distinct chemicals being produced. So—only a matter of time before sensitive detectors were made, that could also pick up the presence of these chemical markers.Well, again… it's come true!

74. Allergic to Peanuts? Try Non-Allergenic Peanuts

Modified food but not GMO! I like this. Of course there may be reduced nutrient value but nobody lives on peanuts (do they?) Anyway, I think it will save lives. We just have to see how it checks out in practice.

According to MedScape, the U.S. Department of Agriculture blogged the fact that researchers at North Carolina A&T State University have found a way to reduce peanut allergens by 98% to 100% by focusing on certain proteins that can trigger food-related anaphylaxis.1

75. What Exactly Did Happen To Joan Rivers?

She went for a simple medical procedure and died suddenly. All that is definite at the time I write this is that she went for an endoscopy, had a cardiac arrest, was given competent CPR and transferred to Mt Sinai Hospital, where she subsequently died.

It’s not with any sense of smugness or glee I remind readers of my old saying that: if you want to live well and live long—stay away from doctors and hospitals!

76. The Manufacture and Spread of Fear (MSF Syndrome)

A two-hander this week. First Ebola…Healthy well-fed victims of Ebola who died: zero. Undernourished, already-sick victims of Ebola who died: 2,461 to date. Serious fatality: the truth.

Note that the rough figures released last week put total cases at around 6,500 and deaths at 2,200, that means it’s only about 30% fatal and NOT 90% as the US media keep screaming in their scare frenzy.

77. The Best of Human Loving

I chanced to pick up a copy of a very remarkable work in a secondhand bookstore just a few weeks ago. I was overjoyed to find it, like coming across an old friend again after many decades, thinking he or she was dead.

For it was a book I had first read as a late teen, when in medical school. It made a profound impression on me at the time, taught me some things I hope never to forget and set me up for a lifetime of joyous rompings with some great (and grateful) women.

78. Is Losing Sleep Killing You?

There’s a reason sleep deprivation is considered “torture” by the United Nations. Over time, lack of sleep can lead to a breakdown of the nervous system as well as severe physical and psychological damage.

Of course, in your day-to-day life, you likely don’t experience sleep deprivation to such an extreme…but not getting enough sleep over years will have the same effects. It simply happens more slowly.

79. While You Sleep the Bacterial Terrorists Make Plans!

I don’t mean human terrorists, of course. I mean microbes. I have written frequently and pointed out that the “Golden Age” of antibiotics is over. Sometimes I wonder—even myself—if raising the alarm is the right thing. People seem to want to stay asleep, while danger gathers on every side. It’s more comfortable.

Well, is it too cruel to point out that comfort is only relative and if you are one of the individuals carried off by some creepy infection, with a name that’s hard to pronounce, then remaining ignorant of the dangers not a good idea...

80. How to Apply Transformational Psychology

Supernoetics™ and Punctuated Equilibrium is a recent scientific biological term, to get round the problem that evolutionary changes are not seen from fossil records. Instead of the predicted gradual drift from one species or form to another, populations actually remained stable for very long periods, with no real change for millions of years. Then suddenly, over a very short space of time, a whole new species emerged.

The real problem that biologists are up against is that Darwinian evolution and “natural selection” is an erroneous theory; it’s plain wrong. Natural selection, by random chance, is a trivial and unimportant process, compared with the fact that living creatures can evolve by their own choice.

81. The Dangerous Truth About Statins...

From Jack Nicholson taking Lipitor in the movie "As Good As It Gets', to the latest scientific paper telling everyone these drugs are great, to that irresponsible pro-industry mouthpiece Sir Rory Collins telling the world that everyone should take statins, even children, you would think that the science on statins was a done deal.

You would NEVER guess for instance that there is not one shred of evidence that statins do any good! Yet that is the truth. Supposedly there is science saying they lower cholesterol. But since lower cholesterol (at least in older patients) has been shown to lead to an earlier death, would you want that?

82. Are Alkaline Foods & Water Beneficial?

I got another email recently on a hoary old topic that keeps raising questions over and over: alkaline foods and alkaline water. Is it good for you to eat “alkaline” foods and take pH adjusted alkaline water? NO! It's B*S*. I've been saying so for years.

What is TRUE is that the body goes acid during a food allergy reaction. It's a result, not a cause of anything.

83. The Biggest Problems With Our Water Supply

Understanding the fundamental role that water plays on Earth and in all aspects of life phenomena represents one of the most challenging research problems in science and technology.

Despite being so vital to our lives and crucial to most of the mechanisms of living organisms, water is one of the weirdest substances found in the universe--if not THE weirdest. Here are just some of its properties, to get you thinking...

84. How Our Memory Works...

Have you ever stopped to question: what is memory… really? It’s something we quite literally take for granted. But in fact we know a lot about it these days.

One of the first memory researchers was German biologist Richard Semon (1859- 1918). He wrote about active memory, used as a warning mechanism. An animal, say a dog, could experience an episode in which a boy bent down to pick up a stone, threw it at the dog and there was pain from the impact. Semon called this an engram, meaning a cellular trace memory.

85. Could a Chemical In Your Furniture Create Allergies?

Vivien told me an interesting story on the journey out to the Blue Mountains, west of the city. Her friend Rosemary, a skilled psychic healer, had been called to the home of one of the famous Pink Floyd rock group (better not mention names)...

Apparently, following the import of some spectacular antique furniture into the home, one of the children had become very sick. Rosemary was consulted and she actually went to the musician’s house to stay, to figure out what was going on.

86. Time for an Honest Appraisal of the Recent Ebola Feeding Frenzy

I warned you it was going to be a non-event and I was right. The latest count stands at 5,165. That’s out of 14,383 “cases”. That’s far less than the hysterical 80% fatality rate.

But you know what? The real statistics are far, far lower than that: a lot of the deaths were attributed to Ebola but these patients would have died anyway, from harsh living, starvation, the stress of war or sheer poverty.

87. Science Is Wrong From The Top Down And Bottom Up

We, as holistic experts, are constantly berated by critics who accuse us of “voodoo science”. It’s a joke! There is nothing more stupid, vague and “voodoo” than what passes for science today.

Theories bear little or no relationship to what can be observed in the real world. Predictions can be wrong by over a hundred orders of magnitude and yet they never question their dogmas. The eventual explanation of why we were so wildly wrong will show up one day, they say, unconvincingly.

88. The Sly Ones: The Biggest Health Hazard I Know!

You know I write about many aspects of health ignored by others, who seem to stick to easily Googled topics, like vitamin levels, diet, pollutants and GMO foods. They probably don’t know much outside those few parameters. But there is a LOT more to health than that!

This week, I’m going to focus on people that we may meet or who are already in our lives that are very toxic: I call this tribe “The Sly Ones”. These individuals are among the biggest health hazard I know: they threaten all of society, not just you and me. You’ll find them on my Emotional Ladder between hostility and fear. That’s the key to their make up: wanting to attack but being too frightened to be open about it. Hence, sneaky or sly…

89. The Killer Physicians

Before my savage article this week, let me share some shots taken over the weekend of 13th/14th Dec. The first one is me mounted on an oxygenator system, researching for you guys. You’ll be astonished what I found at the A4M conference this year (American Academy for Anti-Aging Medicine). I’ll be sharing that with you in a new issue soon.

OK, now let’s get on with the business of the week: killer physicians.

90. A Wiser Christmas?

Merry Christmas, everyone says; joys of the season…

It’s a nice wish for everyone. But what are the real values we should be seeking? “Happy” and drunk and overfed isn’t really much to measure the holidays by, is it?

Maybe you think so. But let’s add some even better stuff…

91. Don’t Google Food Allergies, Get The Facts Here!

No, no, no - listen to what I’m really saying… Someone sent me a piece to critique. It was by a “colleague”, meaning someone who wrote health info too. An MD… but he didn’t seem to know much. A windbag, as we would say in Olde Englande!

He mentions food allergy... Do the casein and gluten thing and you’re done, he instructed readers. As if!

92. A Common Sense Approach to a Wise Diet

We have sayings like “You are what you eat” and “One man’s meat is another man’s poison.” That was before political correctness (PC) and women were allowed to be wrecked too! Now the gals can join in. They have all their own peculiar symptoms and we’ve gifted one of ours to them!

It’s surprising how few people follow up on these adages, even when they can quote them!

93. Lower Your Blood Viscosity & You Too Will Be Around at Age 100

You could be unwittingly killing yourself because the nutrients and supplements you carefully and dutifully take are not reaching your tissues!

Sounds weird, I know. But I wrote about this once before, using a different approach: blood viscosity.

That means how sludgy or free-flowing the blood is. Think of the difference between paint and water: you pour paint out of a can and it flows quite slowly, compared to the speed that water rushes from a jug when you pour. That’s a question of “flowability” that has the proper name of viscosity.

94. Are Your Jeans Poisonous? (And Other Fabrics)

Being married to a fashion designer, I get to hear things that most doctors wouldn’t know. Like the virtually unknown toxic jeans problem!

Today’s jeans, dyed with really poisonous cheap chemicals, are hurting the people who wear them. Do the manufacturers care? Of course not. Like the food industry, their only interest is making money and they will not stop short of killing and poisoning people.

95.The Hidden Death Factor In Foods

You know that I write a great deal about the inflammatory effects of foods. If you became the expert in just that one aspect of a healthy lifestyle, you could live long and be healthy (in cooperation with Mother Nature, of course!)

But, there is one aspect of healthy eating I rarely discuss. It came to mind recently and I want to share it with you. I call it the “dynamics of food” (as opposed to the composition).

96. Measles Weasels… Are Vaccinations Worthless?

The number of people infected with measles linked to the outbreak at Disney amusement parks in southern California currently stands at 99, according to the news today. As one writer joked, Mickey Mouse seems to be calling the shots!

According to the Associated Press, the majority of kids who contracted measles have not had the MMR vaccine. Reading between the lines, that means a number of children DID have the MMR vaccine—and yet still caught the measles. They don’t say how many, of course. It’s the same every epidemic and has been since the dawn of vaccinations. Some kids get the disease anyway.

97. Could Antibiotics Cause Sudden Death?

I’ve talked before about the dangers of antibiotics. Not just the fact that they are becoming ineffective, due to multiple drug resistance by bacteria…

I’m talking about antibiotics actually killing people.

According to the American College for Gastroenterology antibiotics are the single largest class of drugs that cause drug-induced liver injury. In fact, this complication accounts for about 13 percent of cases of acute liver failure and is the most common cause of death from acute liver failure.

98. When Fatigue Is More Than Just Tiredness

Honestly, this is one of the BIGGEST “I told ‘ems!” of my career.

Let me explain that phrase for the many newcomers. An “I told ‘em!” is where I said it years or DECADES before it was accepted by the medical profession. I’ve had many dozens of these over the years, from low-dose sublingual desensitization (SLIT, you can Google it!), to brain allergies; from ambient xenobiotic chemicals sensitizing individuals to foods, to finding migraine is 95% food allergy.

99. Euthanasia Is A Bad Business

George Barnard Shaw wrote, in the preface to his stage play The Doctor’s Dilemma: “That any sane nation, having observed that you could provide for the supply of bread by giving bakers a pecuniary interest in baking for you, should go on to give a surgeon a pecuniary interest in cutting off your leg, is enough to make one despair of political humanity. But that is precisely what we have done.”

This wry observation is as true now as it was when made. Indeed, being cynical, the medical profession in the USA and elsewhere is driven totally by what makes money, not what makes sense.

100. Can Baby Strollers (Pushchairs) Cause Autism?

A bizarre thought, I admit. Follow along with me…

This morning Vivien and I were having coffee in our favorite coffee bar (coffee is good for senility, heart disease, cancer and several other conditions, don’t you know!) But, as I have said often: that’s only for proper coffee, European style, espresso, not latte or schlock with syrup.

All of a sudden there is tremendous noise and confusion, with certain musical overtones, admittedly. These people, I said to Vivien, are not scared of making a racket; in fact, if anything, they seem scared of peace and quiet; as if their empty heads would just rattle, without some input!

[Be patient, I am coming to the point….]

101. Stay Sharp and Live Longer

Is it possible that smart people live longer?

I know a lot of my readers are baby boomers like me – but even if you are younger or older... you want to make sure you reach a ripe old age, ready to take on whatever life has in store for you!

You know, people can ride horses and enjoy sex after the age of 100 years, for goodness sake! Don’t settle for less…

102. Are the Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup Murdering Your Liver?

Doesn’t everyone know that fructose syrup is dangerous to health? Well, the food industry says it isn’t (yeah, right). The FDA (who are notoriously corrupt) hasn’t noticed anything! And the average doctor around the world (who hasn’t even tumbled that sugar is bad for health!)…

When was the last time your doctor asked you about what you ate and drank before prescribing? They never ask because they know NOTHING about the effects of corrupted, processed food. Or at least they do: it’s 90% of their medical practice; but they are simply not joining up the dots.

103. A Folate Blessing for Hypertension

There are tens if not hundreds of thousands of papers like this one below, attesting to the value of this and that of nutrient supplement. Yet still the medical profession cries that nutrients don’t do anything, they are a waste of time, a fraud even.

Professional liar Paul Offit MD, in his book Do You Believe in Magic? Vitamins, Supplements, and All Things Natural: A Look Behind the Curtain claims that even though some popular therapies are remarkably helpful due to the placebo response, many of them are ineffective, expensive, and even deadly.

104. The King Of All Communications

Simple touch is the unequalled king of all communications!

When you touch someone or something, you have a direct physical connection between yourself and the person or thing—impossible with written words, images or video. What’s more, it’s fast—you can transfer a lot of information in just a few seconds, which you can’t by talking about yourself or your feelings!

105. Is A Human Head Transplant Even Conceivable?

I remember a story from school days, about three inns in the same valley, called The Traveller’s Head, The Traveller’s Arms and The Traveller’s Rest. You can probably guess what happened to strangers who came to the valley and needed a night’s lodging!

That tale came to mind when I read a recent article in New Scientist magazine. Believe it or not, transplanting a human head is being seriously discussed. One surgeon claims he will be able to do it within 2 years.

106. Landmark Study Changes Everything You Know About Food Allergies

At last, the dinosaurs prove my story and, unwittingly perhaps, validate the hidden allergy hypothesis. I can sum this up in a few words: if you eat a food regularly, your body will adapt to it. Any intolerance reaction will go “underground”.

But the liability is that it can get you down later, if you reach overload status, or if your tolerance drops (stress, viral attack, lack of sleep, parasites, any one of dozens of overload factors).

107. The Second Illness, A Very Real Yet Ignored Disease

Many of you will be familiar with the name of Hans Selye. If you’ve bought and read my Diet Wise, you’ll certainly know of him (chapter 7). If you’ve never heard of him, Selye was an Austrian physician who ended up finally residing in Montreal, Canada, working at McGill University and ultimately Montreal University. He is famous for a theory about stress called The General Adaptation Syndrome.

But what got Selye started, he tells us in his classic book The Stress Of Life (first published in 1956), is observing sick people while he was a medical student. He noticed that whatever the disease, patients all had the same symptoms: not THE symptoms, that defined the specific illness, but general symptoms, that seemed to be present in ALL diseases.

108. Dr. Oz Controversy Lambasted By The Forces Of Villainy

Not that I like Dr. Mehmet Oz, don’t get me wrong. But this story the Dr. Oz controversy is about the machinations of fake science and the control by manipulative evil forces over medical institutions.

A bunch of 10 medical retards got together and wrote a letter to Columbia University, where Dr. Oz is an assistant professor of surgery (and quite a good one by all accounts). They demanded he be removed, because of “conduct unbecoming of a medical school professor”. Strong words!

109. Why Homeopathy Works!

I’ve been meaning to produce a short paper like this, which I can use to answer the many enquiries about homeopathy. Against the background that the FDA in America is investigating homeopathy (2015), I thought it was time to get down and write it!

The large numbers of holistic practitioners who don’t actually hold with homeopathy constantly surprises me. Many express surprise that I should champion it at all. When I tell them the evidence is abundant and clear, they seem to go through a shock moment. Doesn’t everyone know it’s a con; just dilute water with no actual substance left? It can’t work!

110. Electric Healing Goes Mainstream

I am so GOOD I’m almost embarrassed! Yet again, I am ahead of the main pack. Let me tell you why I am boasting this time!

As most of you know, I wrote a great paradigm-busting book in 1999 called Virtual Medicine. It was a great best-seller for many years but eventually went out of date. I knew I had to re-write it, add new materials and bring it back to being a cutting edge book, way in advance of where even holistic people were thinking.

This I have done and it’s out any day now, called Medicine Beyond.

111. Autism Have We All Missed Something Really Big?

Here’s compelling evidence that ultrasound scans may be the real cause of autism. Look at the evidence and then decide. I think there is possibly real cause to discard existing theories. We can only get a solution if we find the right cause of the problem, I’m sure you will agree.

I have made no secret out of the fact that it’s definitely NOT mercury. That has been disproven and the only people who cling to it are seriously underperforming intellectuals, who can’t accept real evidence that their pet ideas are WRONG!

112. Ultrasound Scans and Left-Handedness

This week’s newsletter is unprecedented; in that it is the first time, I can recall when I revisited a newsletter theme for the subsequent week. The reason is quite simple: I uncovered more interesting information on this medical myth. It’s definitely worth a second look!

In fact, I made a mistake in last week’s newsletter. I suggested studies that show brain damage caused by fetus imaging ultrasound would be hard to find in Western literature. Indeed they are; but not absent entirely.

I found a remarkable study, carried out at what I consider the most trusted Western Medical University Institution (The Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden), which showed clearly there were effects.

113. The 5 Most Crucial Daily Supplements

I’m sure you have joked once or twice to your spouse or your children, “Do you think I’m made out of money?” Yet the truth of the matter is if you fall into the hands of the wrong medical professionals, you are going to get financially milked, like a cow.

In fact, I have joked over the years about the nature of the farmer-ceutical industry: it’s designed to harvest sick people and sell them treatments for profit! You are worth a LOT of money to them, so they don’t want you discovering natural ways to stay healthy!

114. Vitamin D Supplements or the Blue Pill?

I’m writing to you all now as a largely aging demographic but who—like me—wants to stay young forever. I have a lovely wife and we have wonderful, fulfilling sex. I’ll know I’m “growing old” when that stops (by the way, it’s not “OK but not as good as it once was…”; some of the best-ever lovemaking has been this year).

I’m not saying this to boast in any sense, just to tell you it’s all there for you. All you have to do is decide to party… and you can start partying, at ANY age.

115. The Newest and Greatest Nutritional Discovery In My Lifetime!

It’s one of the biggest shocks since the discovery of vitamins.

What’s Prof. talking about now? Let me back up and explain.

We all know the antioxidant story… Free radicals or “reactive oxygen species” (ROS) are extremely damaging to our tissues. So we eat fresh color-rich foods and take protective substances called “antioxidants” which protect us from this damage; we stay healthy; we live longer, right?

Well, not quite, as it happens.

116. Hitler Didn’t Die - He’s Now Head Of Big Pharma

Nazism is in our midst folks, tread very carefully, you are headed for the concentration camps if you disobey.

Desperate to protect every dollar of their evil profits, Big Pharma has organized a worldwide crackdown on online pharmacies. They call them “illegal”. Most are beyond USA law anyway, so they dragged in Interpol, which is supposed to be a police force catching serious international criminals, not a drug agency.

This shocking new development is a clear revelation of Big Pharma’s political powers; THEY GOVERN THE WORLD, not pathetic elected leaders like the President or Parliament. That’s history. Constitution and law are history. We are now controlled by people with gathering force and impending powers to have dissidents locked up, abused and forced to take drugs which will destroy their minds.

117. How Long Does Truth Remain True?

This week sees the launch of my new book Medicine Beyond (at last!) It’s so shocking that my friend William Tiller wouldn’t do an endorsement! He’s still stuck in his comfortable physics, though he himself is known for being pretty radical. Bear in mind that Bill loved my 1999 book Virtual Medicine!

[Lovely Norman Shealy MD has done me a beauty of an endorsement, as you will see]

Scientists, it seems, have a hard time stepping outside of their own framework of reference and—whereas he’s happy to attach speculations on the nature of being and consciousness to his science—he hasn’t grasped that the physics (which had him professor at Stanford University) has simply gone out of date!

118. Let’s Talk About Slimming Down…

It’s one of the biggest industries in the world!

There is a never-ending stream of weight-loss books, magazine articles, diet aids, and propaganda. It’s not just a stream; it’s actually a tidal wave.

I’ve seen just about every claim that has been made: eat more of X, eat less of X, eat more of Y, eat less of Y, any diet will make you gain weight, fat is beautiful anyway (it isn’t, it’s unhealthy), and so on.

119. Our Poisonous World Is Bad News

Mike Adams, the self-styled Health Ranger is way out of step with reality. He campaigns against ADHD and ADD, claiming such conditions don’t exist and are an “invented” diagnosis.

That’s an insult to troubled parents. But it is also a serious slander against doctors like me who, for the past three or four decades, have been rescuing and helping kids with this wretched stage of toxic brain excitation and getting them well, or partially well.

120. An Amazing Way To Cure Stammering

Most of you know me by now: I’m always on the lookout for things unusual, healing and… well, remarkable! This story certainly comes under that description.

It’s about using the techniques of Supernoetics™ to transform a particularly difficult problem that I have rarely seen tackled by fellow-doctors who write health manuals: stammering.

121. Can We Diagnose What Killed Jane Austen

Vivien and I have been real fans of Jane Austen, since forever! Like most of the civilized world, we drooled over what I usually describe as “The Greatest Love Story Ever Told”.

Can you guess?

Why, the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, of course! Screenplay by Andrew Davies. And yes, I do rate it above Romeo and Juliet.

122. Are Fewer People Dying From Cancer?

Are WE winning the war against cancer (holistic practitioners that is)?

We all know that orthodox medicine is NOT winning the war. But they claim that death rates are going down (true for many common cancers) and, of course, they take the credit. Overall, cancer death rates decreased by 1.8% per year among men and by 1.4% per year among women from 2000 to 2009. Death rates among children up to 14 years of age decreased by 1.8% per year. Let me suggest a likely reason.

123. Brain Allergies and a Diet For Your Mind?

My regular subscribers know I like to joke about this from time to time… things I taught and wrote about decades ago are suddenly being “discovered” by today’s doctors and scientists.

When pioneers like me performed miracles with nutritional insights and dietary discoveries, we were ostracized for using “unproven” therapy (meaning no drugs). Well isn’t all scientific theory unproven for a day, a year, for decades, until someone sets out to prove it?

124. The One Thing You Must Do To Stay Out of the Nursing Home

One in seven people ages 65 and older live in nursing homes and the numbers are projected to increase as you age. I wouldn’t want you or any of your loved ones to spend your last years at such a place. Surprisingly, many people actually fear moving to a nursing home than they feared dying!

If you really want to stay out of a nursing home for your last 20 years on earth…then you need to get serious about carbohydrate control.

125. The Secret To All Unpleasant Feelings and Self-Defeating Behavior!

Once in a while something turns up which is truly revolutionary; different from anything which has gone before and in every sense a “new” approach to matters. Sadly, there have been few such developments in the field of the mind. Probably the most pivotal breakthrough of all time was the recognition of the power of the subconscious mind, so named by French psychiatrist Pierre Janet and later, rather unfairly, attributed to Freud.

Certainly Freud has a place in history, justly deserved. His seminal 1895 work Studies In Hysteria, written jointly with Josef Breuer, showed that the subconscious mind was very powerful and capable of influencing thoughts, emotions and behavior, while remaining out of view to the patient or client. It was truly sub-conscious.

126. Why You Are Not Just Your Body…

If you read my newsletter regularly, you’ll know that I hold the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm (Sweden) in very high regard. That’s not to say they are right about everything, but that I trust their honesty—which is more than can be said of any American (or other) university.

Now researcher Arvid Guterstam, a neuroscientist at the Karolinska and lead author of a new study on out-of-body consciousness has stuck his neck out… and I don’t agree at all with his “interpretations”. Observations are one thing but opinions remain only opinions.

127. Never Mind The Bees What’s Killing Holistic Doctors?

Unless you live on the Planet Zod (so remote you’re off the air) you would have been aware of the rash of news reports about mysterious deaths among holistic doctors. On the face of it, these are way too many to be just a coincidence.

But there’s more mystery. Most died very violently, definitely NOT of natural causes. The first, Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet (well known for his work and research on Autism) was found dead in a river in North Carolina, with a gunshot would to his chest. Bradstreet, 61, was subject to a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raid shortly before his death, which police said appeared to be suicide.

128. Now People Who Have Never Smoked Are Getting Lung Cancer

As I have written elsewhere, lung cancer used to be an almost unknown disease. I have a paper in which lung cancer is described as a rare form of a rare disease (cancer is rare).

While the Victorians did not possess sophisticated diagnostic or screening technology, they were as able to diagnose late stage cancer as we are today; but this was an uncommon finding. In that period, cancer carried none of the stigma that it has recently acquired, and was diagnosed without bias. For example, in 1869 the Physician to Charing Cross Hospital described lung cancer as ‘… one of the rarer forms of a rare disease. You may probably pass the rest of your students life without seeing another example of it.’

129. Really Really Stupid Science

Years ago I used to run a section in my newsletter about REALLY stupid science. Some of it would just make you laugh.

Today a howler came across my desk, under the title: Football Fans May Overestimate Chances of Favorite NFL Team (NFL is National Football League for you non-Americans—not soccer, remember). It starts off: As the National Football League kicks off its 2015 season this weekend, fans across the country are certain that this is the year for their team. But a new study shows that pro football fans and dedicated sports reporters often overestimate their team's chances of going all the way.


130. A Huge Paradigm Shift in Conventional Medicine

It really springs from my new super book masterpiece Medicine Beyond. I don’t want to shock you but it is w-a-a-y-y-y ahead of the curve. And I mean in science too, not just medicine. I paint you the picture of the conscious-derived universe in which energy, information and good things (like Love) rule the waves; the Cosmos is not (and could not be) a giant, mechanical device because, if it was, we wouldn’t be here!

131. Drug Dealer Cartels Surpassed By Doctors

Dangerous prescribing is in the news again this week, with a warning from Medscape.

My regulars will know one of my sayings is: if you want to stay healthy and live well, for as long as possible, stay away from doctors! Modern medicine can kill you!

In the Y2K year 2,000, Barbara Starfield, a public-health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, shocked the world by doing the numbers!

132. Drug Marketing Sleaze & Big Pharma Conspiracy

Having lived in the USA for a dozen years, I am struck by the most common marketing technique used here, which is outrageous and shocking lies! Just make any wild claim you like, to get the sale. So long as you get rich doing it, everybody seems to approve (sort of)!

The second commonest trick is claiming your competition is filthy, degraded, doesn’t work and is a fraud. Both are often used together, of course.

So, no surprise when the pharmaceutical industry resorts to both these sleazy, dishonest tactics. What am I talking about?

133. Warning Signs of Alzheimer's You Need to Know About

Do smart people live longer?

Apparently, it’s true…at least in the reverse even mild cognitive impairment has a major stand-alone impact on your life expectancy. It’s just as bad as other chronic diseases.

I was shocked, when I discovered a study I shared a while back from the Annals of Internal Medicine from September 2011, nearly 4000 older adults were followed and the degree of cognitive impairment was linked to an increased risk of death.1

134. Flu Vaccine Comedy For The Season

Well, it’s Halloween tomorrow! Silly signs, placards, costumes and revelries. People go daft for a day and have fun. It’s also the vaccine comedy season, with governments having their annual BIG JOKE on us! “Get Your Flu Shot Here” signs are all over the parking lots and at the doors of supermarkets and pharmacies.

Every year the same bunch of corny (laughable) lies are trotted out: millions will be infected, countless deaths, totally safe… it’s all written up in a massive Big Pharma script that everyone has learned by heart, from nurses and primary care doctors, to government stooges and TV news anchors.

135. Double Talk - The New Medical Language

Anyone who reads my work knows I have been saying for nearly 40 years that RED MEAT DOES NOT CAUSE CANCER. It’s pseudo-science nonsense.

I have repeatedly stated that I have never seen a single study linking real red meat with cancer. I have only EVER seen studies showing red meat plus processed filth like chemical-flavored (“wood-smoked”) ham, pink slime, mechanically-recovered meat and sausage meat can cause cancer. Since sausages and the like are food abominations, it comes as no surprise that they should be carcinogenic.

136. Driving All Over (Life’s) Road

Do you think it a good idea, to learn to drive on your own—no instructor, just trial and error? You do it over and over, until finally, you learn to have fewer and fewer crashes? Probably you would wreck a few lives in the process but that wouldn’t matter much, would it?

Well, you know I’m being silly. Of course that’s not the way to go. In fact, it would be insane.

But wait a minute! Isn’t that EXACTLY how we go about learning the rules of life?

137. The End Of Modern Medicine?

It could happen. If we lose our range of effective antibiotics, we’ll lose a lot more too: no more sophisticated interventions, like organ transplants, pacemakers, joint replacement and care of preterm infants, will become more difficult or even too dangerous to undertake.

Minor wounds and trauma will once again become life-threatening issues, as they were a hundreds years ago. I will NEVER forget an ancient specimen in the medical school museum in Manchester, England, where I trained: it was the dissected esophagus (gullet) of a man who had swallowed a fish bone. It had penetrated through to the chest cavity… fatal! There were no antibiotics to save him.

138. The Truth About Cancer

As I told you last week, beating cancer is getting easier all the time! Now there is a chance to see a free compilation of the world’s top cancer therapies and ways to avoid the disease.

Time was when cancer was all-but a death sentence: if the disease didn’t kill you, the doctors likely would, with their clumsy hacking, burning and poisoning approach. Of course there were survivors. But it seemed they were more the “lucky” ones, rather than the successes!

139. Medicine Out Of This World

I stayed with a good friend this last weekend. He surprised (shocked) me, by saying he liked my writings but that I addressed mainly intelligent and intellectual people.

Well, of course my readers are highly intelligent (are you not?) But I have always prided myself in being able to write for the layman and make difficult subjects understandable and make complex subjects interesting. It’s a goal I still strive towards.

140. Smart Phone Dreams

Here’s something both fascinating and creepy at the same time. Texting on your smartphone, it seems, will likely put you into a dream or trance-like state, according to new electroencephalogram recordings (EEGs).

Discovering a new EEG brainwave is pretty sensational anyway; it’s technology that's been around for about a century! But that's exactly what happened at two academic medical centers, which highlighted what they first saw as EEG test abnormalities...

141. More On Medicine’s Greatest Revolution

As introduced by my book Medicine Beyond, microcurrent therapy is the new medical paradigm. Life is electrical in nature, the universe is electrical in nature and so, not surprisingly, the best healing is energetic, via electrical devices.

Microcurrent therapy (MCT) is now sweeping the world and mainstream medicine is catching on, as I predicted it would. I’ve christened it medicine’s greatest revolution… and it’s here.

142. Is Christmas REALLY A Happy Time?

You know me; I like the facts, not the whimsy and baloney. So, if I was to scientifically investigate Christmas, what would I find?

First off, it’s a completely phoney celebration of Christ’s supposed birthday. Since there is no historical record of such a person ever existing, and no eyewitnesses who ever reported what they saw, all we have is a fairy story. We certainly do not know when he was born (if he ever was).

143. A Pimple On The Nose of God Talking To You

Hi there Everybody, Scrooge here! Actually, one of my subscribers last weeks wrote to me angrily and described me as “worse than Scrooge”! Apparently his interpretation of Christmas goodwill is that everyone MUST see things his way, or they are wicked and contemptible.

It was the exact opposite of the message I tried to convey. I begged for an end to narrow religious clichés. But it seems he has special privileges from God; he can insult other people and have it still be counted as “Christian values”.

144. Is Polio On The Comeback?

No it’s not back “big time” just now. But you have cause to worry.

Officials are fudging it and refuse to use the “p-word” but a condition clinically indistinguishable from polio has arisen in California. They call it acute flaccid myelitis. Translation: sudden onset paralysis, caused by inflammation of the spinal cord (which is what polio does).

145. No Deaths From Vitamins Minerals Or Any Other Supplements in 2014

Supplements caused no deaths in 2014. This says it all. The great orthomolecular nutritionist doctor, Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, always said: "No one dies from vitamins." He was right when he said it and he is still right today. But that cannot be said of orthodox medicine.

In the year 2000, Dr. Barbara Starfield, from the prestigious Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, published a shocking study which revealed just how incompetent doctors really are (there are always exceptions, remember).

146. The End of Brain Science As We Know It Jim

You have heard and read me saying for years that bra in and mind are not the same; that the extended mind is outside the physical body; that memory is in the surrounding encapsulation of the body, not in our tissues (which leads to the concept of a low-level “cellular memory”).

Mechanistic science, on the other hand, insists that memory and cognition all take place within the brain, because “it must be so”. There is nothing non-physical, they say (which in a way is true!)

147. So What Is The Brain Really For?

Those of you who follow my work and have seen my video “Who Needs a Brain?” on YouTube, or read last week’s newsletter arguing that the brain cannot possibly do the job that science ascribes to it, might wonder if I am trying to say the brain is worthless.

We all know that’s not true. If you get too much brain damage, you can observe the effects. Loss of cerebral cortex will produce little change or harm; people with 98% of brain tissue missing can still think and remember normally.

148. The Greatest Pandemic In The World

Well, you all know by now my quirky definition of health: EVERYTHING is health! Bad things impact us at many unseen levels and cause stress.

Government lies and oppression are the greatest plague to Humankind at this point in time. It’s our BIGGEST health and wellness issue by far. The worldwide plague is getting WORSE, not better. We could be entering a new Dark Ages.

149. A Feast Of Not-Allowed Science and Insane Breakthroughs!

Here’s a pot-pourri (a miscellaneous anthology) of intriguing science. I’m posing the questions but not telling you how to get the answers till the end.

1. The most powerful nutrient on Earth is not a food, a vitamin, a mineral or a phytonutrient. It’s very abundant in this universe and could solve almost all nutrition deficiencies. Want to know what it is?

150. Are You Meditating With Adult Coloring Books?

Well maybe you should be! It’s a real craze that’s sweeping the adult world. It’s calming and healthy, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing about it.

I’m not sure where it all got started but certainly the world’s first best-selling adult coloring book was Secret Garden by Johanna Basford. I purchased a copy when I was last in London, UK.

151. Medicine Beyond Seminar Was Wildly Beyond Successful

It’s one of those told you so moments. You shoulda been there! Oh Boy.

The continental launch in Las Vegas last weekend was an event to remember. I held the stage for two full days (I slept for 11 hours after day one and had virtually lost my voice by the end of day 2)! Fortunately, I had Norman Shealy to help out with one lecture: that was fascinating learning about the “Ring of Fire” and ways to stimulate it.

152. Reduce Interpersonal Stress and Have Healthier Conversations

I have said often that communication skills are about the most awful failure of human beings. More trouble comes from failed conversations and dialogues than from anything else we engage in. It can be quarrels in the home or world strife, like the current communication breakdown between Muslims, Jews and Christians.

Bad communication leads to stress, failure, misunderstanding and hostility. Instead of something which binds people, it becomes something which divides.

153. Cancer’s Penicillin Moment (Beginning Of The End)

Penicillin changed the world. Virtually overnight hundreds of diseases that formerly killed millions of people were rendered impotent. Life expectancy shot up by decades. The prospect of a long and happy life became a reality for the majority of those in the Western word.

Today, the main killers are self-inflicted: heart disease, diabetes and cancer… yes, cancer. The Big C has been known for a long time to be a disease of Western lifestyle factors.

154. How to Understand Emotions Better

Emotions are an energetic coloring to a person’s thoughts and actions. You can see and feel a person’s emotions. They are physical. Not like thought.

A person may be reluctant, hesitant or careful. The person may want to withdraw, like fear, anxiety, sadness and despair. Such a person is controlled by energies.

Or there may be very positive energies, such as enthusiasm and excitement; the person is active and wants to engage. He or she bounds around. This person is using and even creating energies.

155. Cancer and Poop Startling News

I got a tip off about this article from a good friend in Brooklyn. He pointed out that the mainstream scientists are gradually catching up with me!

Hey, I’ll have to move on fast, to stay ahead. Actually, I’m doing that already, with the development of my new and revolutionary science of Being and consciousness I call Supernoetics™. Keep an eye out: 1 in 5 or so articles will be about some aspect of that in my upcoming newsletters.

Anyway, this is what he meant: being able to influence the control of cancer by nurturing the immune system via the microbiome.

156. Glyphosate Pesticide in 85% of Tampons and Personal Hygiene Products

You don’t just eat Monsanto’s GMO junk and their carcinogenic pesticide “Roundup” (glyphosate). You could be taking it in from personal hygiene products!

What am I saying? The shocking fact is that Monsanto’s chemicals make their way into 85% of personal hygiene cotton products, INCLUDING TAMPONS! Ladies, beware.

I picked up the information from Waking Times, a radical earth-friendly publication. Their writer, Alex Pietrowski, came across a new study at the University of La Plata, Argentina, (in Spanish, which I do not speak) where researchers had found that about 85% of cotton products such as gauze, cotton balls, feminine products like pads and tampons, baby wipes, etc. tested positive for glyphosate.

157. Vaccine Scampire Shaken To The Core

I was, truly, one of the world’s first doctors to point out the obvious point that current measles vaccine is dangerous and leads to brain damage (this was back in 1982, before MMR).

I wrote about it in 1984 in a book (published 1985). This has nothing whatever to do with mercury as the cause of autism (it isn’t) but the attenuated rogue measles organism used in the MMR almost certainly is.

158. Sizing Up Scientific Balls and Baloney

The storm of lies and controversy surrounding the movie called Vaxxed continues to howl in the night! It makes no bones about damage done to certain children by vaccines, especially MMR. The dots are joined into a loud and clear chart showing BIG trouble.

But the vaccine “industry” doesn’t like that. It wants its profits and will not tolerate troublemakers, suggesting or implying that kids’ health comes before dollars. The evil Scampire is fighting. So much so that, as I reported to you last week, Big Pharma has closed down two showings at film festivals; one in New York (Tribeca Film Festival) and Worldfest Houston International Film Festival.

159. First Sensible Media Pronouncement On Cancer

I am grateful to my friend and correspondent Grant, from Brooklyn, for calling my attention to this article from the UK’s Daily Telegraph. I don’t read British newspapers, since they stopped featuring me years ago… (It’s just a joke, get it? I’m not that vain… no, really…!)

At last some scientists are waking up to the fact that cancer is a disease, not an alien blob dropped into the body from a flying saucer. I’ve been scoffing at this approach for years, as you know. If it’s a disease, the body will fight it. The body needs help.

160. Body Clocks and Burgers!

We have thousands, or even millions, of body clocks. Learning to control them, it is said, will solve problems from jet lag to weight loss. We now have a field called chronobiology (time and biology) and a spin off called “chrononutrition” (timed eating as a means of controlling appetite and weight loss).

More on that later.

161. What Makes You Drunk But Isn't Alcohol?

Alcohol and drug abuse can lead to depression and the reverse is also true. General thought impairment can make it difficult to pinpoint which happens first – the substance abuse or the depression. Removing drugs and alcohol from your life will enable you to think clearly and assess your personal situation without distraction.

I’m currently writing a massive “holistic mental health” encyclopedia that has EVERYTHING to do with mental health and brain function. There is something in this book for everybody, from grumpiness, fatigue, tension and anxiety, to violence, depression, dementia and schizophrenia! ADD/ADHD and autism included!

162. Dr. Keith's Latest Brilliant Health Breakthrough

My name has been associated with the best-researched data in holistic medicine for over 40 years. I am proud to have been at the leading edge.

In all that time, I have resisted the urge to produce my own products for consumption, being satisfied merely to point my readers in the direction of good stuff!

But there are certain gaps in the market where I feel there could be great things to offer. Since I am among the most knowledgeable MDs around, I finally made the fateful decision that I would manufacture and supply them.

163. Vanilla and Strawberry Out Now!

Lowering calories and feeling great never tasted so good! Last week saw the launch of my new line of Dr. Keith’s Own nutritional drinks. We went out with the chocolate (Yum!) But now we have brought on stream the vanilla (my favorite) and strawberry. These shakes are just about the tastiest health foods ever.

A lot of thought went into the creation of these formulas. The idea was to get them the very BEST that’s available on the market. I think I’ve done it!

164. The Importance of Vitamin B12 – A Study For Boomers and Boppers

One of my favorite medical institutes in the world is the Karolinska in Stockholm, Sweden. Viv and I were there only last year! The reason they command a lot of my respect is they are paid by the Swedish government and not bankrolled by the disgusting pharmaceutical industry and its travesty of science and learning. Accordingly, I tend to trust reports from the Karolinska.

What they found also contradicts the criminal nonsense put about by Pharma spokesperson (should I say spokesjerk?) Paul Offit MD. He’s spent years parading in public the fact that there is “no evidence” what-so-ever of health benefits from vitamins and other supplements.

165. Can You Catch Dementia?

Science says probably yes. We are beginning to understand that many chronic health problems are, in truth, caused by hidden infections. This renders some of the old “explanations” obsolete and defective.

For example, it is now known that a great deal of arthritic trouble comes from bacterial infections in the troubled joints. It is NOT a wear-and-tear effect, as the scientific pseuds like to claim. They keep saying this often enough to have begun to believe their own baloney, without any evidence whatever.

166. Part 2: Can You Catch Dementia? Here’s What You Can Do to Prevent It

Last week I promised you more on the possibility of Alzheimer’s disease being caused by a microbial infection (“Can You Catch Dementia” 3 Jun 2016).

Even so, I was surprised by the serendipity of reading an article on this exact topic in my New Scientist today (4 Jun 2016, vol 230 No 3076). In addition to the work of Ruth Itzhaki, professor emeritus of molecular neurobiology at Britain’s University of Manchester, I told you about last week, New Scientist was reporting work by Rudolph Tanzi of Harvard Medical School.

167. Are Medical Errors the 3rd Leading Cause of Death?

I got an interesting piece in my inbox from MedScape this morning (Who Believes That Medical Error Is the Third Leading Cause of Hospital Deaths? May 26, 2016)…

Readers may be aware of the absolute furor generated by a recent (2016) article in the British Medical Journal: Medical error-the third leading cause of death in the US.1

168. Who Is Living The Perfect Life?

Nobody, for sure. I’m not. But I’m working all the time on improving my life a lot and I think that’s something we should all be doing. It’s NEVER too late to improve things!

I read a marvelous story of a guy who graduated Oxford University at the age of 91! Bertie Gladwin left school aged 14 with no interest in academia. He’d been put in the duffers class by teachers and promptly lost interest in schooling (what does that tell you about teachers, eh?)

169. Renegade Gardening Instead Of Who Is President

Gardening, especially public, renegade gardening, is one of the most important things conscious and awakening people can do right now to affect global change in favor of good health, a sound environment, and personal liberty—Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer, Waking Times

The following three paragraphs are directly from As someone who loves gardening, the message resonates well with me!

170. Humans Have an On-Board Compass

Can humans detect the Earth’s magnetism in their cells? Of course not, say the experts.

Is the Sun the center of the solar system? Of course not, said the experts. Does washing your hands after touching corpses help avoid the spread of disease? Of course not, said the experts. Can food allergies make you ill? Of course not, said the experts.

So I would just yawn at the “science” that says of course not… without them even looking!

171. Prof’s Picture Postcard from Africa

I’m in a fascinating new world, south of the equator: Namibia, in Africa. It’s Africa as you probably picture it from the movies. But Namibia is modern, advanced and thriving in its way. Most of the problems now are between the blacks themselves, not whites vs. blacks. Namibia achieved independence from South Africa in 1990.

Here are some of the most stunning and iconic landscapes in all of Africa, from the windswept desert along the south Atlantic coast, to the wildlife-rich marches of the Okavango river, from jungle safaris and game lodges with animals as part of the furniture, to tribes which still walk naked and show their all. Namibia is exciting!

172. Take Time To Think Of The Mighty Wonder That Is The Universe

I’m reading from a copy of the New Scientist (journal) promotional email:

Quantum physics has always been a source of mystery and delight. It defies common sense yet we have learned to manipulate these strange phenomena.

Hey, is this even the right question? I think we should be saying that “common sense” defies physics. “Common sense” says that the mind is in the brain; aspirin kills pain; cancer is a consequence of genes; old age is a “disease” of wearing out parts; good whole food cannot hurt you; gravity is a hidden force that controls the universe; and vaccinations help prevent disease.

173. The Man Who Invented Holism

We use the word holistic a lot, but what does it really mean?

As I wrote in my amazing book Medicine Beyond, holism (and thence holistic) is a word that was originally coined by Jan Smuts, the South African soldier, statesman, and philosopher (1870-1950). He defined it in his 1926 book, Holism and Evolution, as "the tendency in nature to form wholes that are greater than the sum of the parts through creative evolution."

174. My Thoughts on Human Life Expectancy & How Robust Is The Human Body?

Do you ever stop to think much about your body? Apart from women who are fighting aging—and therefore pretty hostile towards their bodies—most of us take it quite for granted, I think.

Well, you might have had a startling wake up a few nights ago on British television (Channel 4)! Vivien and I were surfing TV in the hotel bedroom and came across a program called “Naked Attraction”.

175. Meet The World's Longest Survivor of Lymphoma

August is the time of the Edinburgh Festival, in Scotland, and a good time for me to catch up with my friend Hunter Walker (see photo, which was just before the cloudburst!).

I have known Hunter for over 20 years. He is a survivor of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, possibly the longest surviving in the world. Between us both we stack up 136 years and we both look great, I think.

176. What Is the Real Purpose of Life?

Last week I quoted a lady whose motto is “The purpose of life is living.” I’d like to add that the purpose of living is to learn. We could never stay as newborn babies; that would not suit the human temperament. Humans instinctively want to learn, to grow, to become wiser. It could be argued that’s a Darwinian survival trait—it doesn’t matter, the point is, we want to learn.

One of my major mottoes in life is that knowing is Being. We are what we know, in other words. To be more, to own more, to create more and to do more, we need to acquire that precious commodity: knowledge.

177. Could Acetaminophen Cause ADD / ADHD and even Autism?

Earlier this year (20th Jan newsletter) I called your attention to the possibility that ADD/ADHD and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) could be caused by acetaminophen (Tylenol in the USA; Paracetomol in the UK and elsewhere).

This is not a new idea. Evidence has been gathering. We all want to blame vaccinations; but is that valid? In the USA at least, acetaminophen comes almost part and parcel with vaccination: the child gets a shot, turns feverish, and is administered Tylenol. It's not easy to separate the two.

178. Cancer Is A Teaching Disease

That seems a funny thing to say, when the very name spreads terror, but it’s true! Cancer has a great deal to teach us about health. Cancer is what happens, basically, when your health gets wrecked. It’s not a death knell but it is a wake up call, telling you things have gone very wrong and you need to get fixed and quick about it.

179. Death Is The Final Healing Of Life

When your Mum passes, it’s a special event in life. Gosh, even if you don’t happen to like her, you can’t get away from the fact that she is your mother; she made you. Did you know that all your mitochondrial DNA comes from your mother, none from your father (unlike your chromosome DNA, of course)? Nature considers a mother something special.

I stepped through that particular doorway in the last few hours. I am now bereft of the one who made me. She was only 93 years old!

180. Fungi Kill More People Every Year Than Malaria!

Fungi are a rum bunch: we can eat some and they are delicious (cèpes, chanterelles, truffles); others are deadly (Deathcap (Amanita phalloides), Avenging angel, Autumn skullcap). Some even make fabulous medicines (Lion’s mane, Turkey tail, Shiitake and Maitake).

We live in an uneasy peace with mushrooms and fungi. In fact not so much peace as we shall see. But fungi can do good things:

181. The Not-So-Sweet Story Of Sugar

In the 1970s, anyone but an idiot was listening seriously to the emerging evidence that sugar was a major killer. The really smart ones didn’t get at all distracted by the saturated fat story (I’ve campaigned that we need saturated fat for brain health for over 40 years).

The major star of this emerging science was a Brit: John Yudkin, founding Professor of the Department of Nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College, London. He tackled the sugar issue head on, with a sensational book, with an equally sensational title (“Pure, White and Deadly” 1972).

182. This Is A Whole NEW Take On Diseases

Ask any “properly trained” medical scientist about bacteria in healthy blood and they will answer that there are none. Blood is essentially sterile.

This out-moded science is getting a lot of people killed.

Anyone who has ever looked at a LIVE blood sample (freshly taken) under a dark-field microscope will tell you that blood is CRAWLING with micro-organisms. In fact, as my friend Dr. Garry Gordon joked, they are trying to re-cycle us before we are even dead!

183. Heavy Lifting Psychology For Cancer

I’ve just completed a moderate-sized but very needed book on the Psychology Of Cancer (How We Get It; How We Fight It; and What It Can Teach Us). You’ll be able to read it soon. Meantime, here is a tasty sample of what it has to offer...

It’s all about the impact of negative psychological events on our psyche and how that can lead to a breakdown in health. Bad things lead to bad things, like a wound leading to a scar.

184. Can You Get Cancer By Tapeworms? Seems So

Late last year (November) I came across a very strange report. The story itself is fairly fascinating but the implications are even more so.

Imagine cancer being transferred from a parasite to the human body! In this case the man had HIV (a whole argument in itself, whether that has anything to do with AIDS). The point being that this may potentially happen a lot—but that a competent immune system will suppress it, before anything bad ever happens.

185. Why Truth Is The Ultimate Nutrient Seems So

When we look back in years to come, I think Ty Bollinger’s The Truth About Cancer, Ultimate LIVE Symposium 2016 will seem like a pivotal milestone. I have never lectured before knowing that I am being watched by more than half a million subscribers online! (could be well over a million and, of course, when the replays appear, it will definitely surpass even that estimate). At one point, I learned, there were 15,000 viewers just on “chat” alone (internet savvies will know what that means).

There were over 40 speakers of all stripes: good, poor delivery, dogmatic, self-serving and just out-and-out BRILLIANT! (Guess which group I was in!)

186. Big Pharma’s Fast Tracking Drugs & What It Means For You…

Here is a Kwik-Kwizz question: why would drugs approved by the fast-track route end up being more dangerous?

Answer: almost certainly, the drug companies know they have a loser and want it to by-pass the normal approval process, to get it to the market fast.

The reality is that 25% of normal drug approvals result in a safety warning or the drug being withdrawn. In other words the “approved” drugs turns out to be dangerous or damaging. That in itself is pretty shocking. Think about it.

187. The OCYTOCIN & CANCER Connection

This week sees the launch of my latest book The Psychology Of Cancer.

It’s an exciting multi-dimensional book, bursting with different ideas and things to do. In fact, one of the first things to say is that most of it applies to any disease process, not just cancer. We all get sick for a reason! You’d think, listening to conventional doctors, that diseases happen by chance. They don’t. There is a cascade of events, which leads finally to the point where the body can no longer cope.

At that point the symptoms switch on and the patient is now in BIG trouble, because the defense mechanisms have already been exhausted, do you see?

189. Understanding Sunlight and Health

One of the stupidest and longest running medical follies is the daft story that sunlight causes skin cancer. It does NOT, it protects against skin cancer. It’s vital for your long-term health that you grasp this and stop listening to the dangerous propaganda being expounded by ignorant MDs and research scientists.

Those of you who have read Medicine Beyond or its earlier incarnation Virtual Medicine, will know I quoted research that made it quite plain that hiding from the sun increases your risk of cancer many times over.

190. Love Needs and Musts Are A Fine Duty

Holidays again. There is an old saying “In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.” [Locksley Hall, by Alfred Lord Tennyson]. In my case, its winter holidays triggering the same thought. Maybe that’s a function of age!

But then, I think I know more about love today than any young whippersnapper who has the uncontrollable hots for a lady!

191. Age-Easy: A Non-Invasive Solution To Wrinkles and Lines

Why on earth do people have their faces injected with one of the most powerful poisons known (botulinus toxin)? The registered name for this folly is Botox®.

The quick answer, I suppose, is that it is important for people—especially women—to maintain their good looks for as long as possible. But at what cost? Eventually you will lose your facial expression altogether and nothing is more aging than looking like a Parkinson’s disease expressionless mask.

192. Is Being A Man A Disease?

Obvious womens’ jokes aside, it appears that idiot scientists are trying to project maleness as a health problem!

According to a recent piece from that sanctuary of news and truth CBS News, a research review suggests that men who have “playboy” attitudes and believe in male dominance over women may face a higher risk for mental health trouble than men who don’t.

The fact they didn’t investigate the same phenomenon in women (which definitely exists) suggest a sexist bias to the whole investigation.

193. Supposed Gravity Waves Leave Natural Medicine Unscathed

Medicine Beyond un-assailed in its powerful wisdom! (Beyond the so-called laws of physics.)

Some of you like conspiracies, I know. You want conspiracy? Here’s the biggest conspiracy of all time. It’s called physics. It’s laughable.

Science long ago gave up looking for facts and finding explanations. Now they invent theories and, when evidence is lacking, they make it up! Like gravitons, gravity waves and “dark matter”. What’s got Prof going now?

194. Truth Is The Greatest Gift

It’s Christmas! [Do I have to pay Noddy Holder for saying that?]

Noddy Holder MBE is an English musician and actor. He was the lead vocalist and guitarist of 1970s highly-successful English glam rock band Slade. Their biggest hit was the #1 Christmas song: “Here it is, Merry Christmas, everybody's having fun...” Apparently, it earns almost GBP 1million sterling in royalties every Christmas (about $1.2 million). Now he’s suing people for yelling, “It's Chriiisstmaass!” He claims royalties for it.

195. Number One Prescribed Drug Is A Dangerous Hoax

Despite the continued controversy, statins remain the number one prescribed class of drugs, at least in the Western world.

A headline that caught my eye over the Christmas break was Survival Up, Complications Down With Perioperative Statins at Noncardiac Surgery. Sounds promising. Maybe these things do work better than I think? Maybe not!

In a nutshell: In a large retrospective cohort of patients who underwent non-cardiac surgery, those who received perioperative statins were less likely to die within 30 days or have surgery-related complications than their peers.1

196. The Trouble With Supplements Is…

Even taking healthy supplements can be a bother. I had one patient with severe depression who, unaccountably, felt really low when she took a particular multi-vitamin formula. It was a good mix, I took it myself at the time.

But it came to light this patient was severely allergic to potato—it made her depressed—and it so happened this particular formula was made with potato shavings, instead of corn starch! It was “hypo-allergenic”… but not if you are allergic to potato.

197. Prescription for Living Delight

We have many codes of behavior. Mostly interdicts (things that are restricted or forbidden). We have lists of priorities. But what about a code of delight? Should we not subscribe to a ritual code of happiness, meaning and sheer indulgence of joy? Aristotle, no less, said the highest duty of an individual was the pursuit of happiness.

The thing is, he recognized that joy does not walk along with bad behavior; to find true happiness we must live well and behave gently towards others. Hence delight has an implicit code…

198. Does Botox Cure Depression?

So: Botox® cures depression? It’s a headline from the Huffington Post, so it must be true, right? (joke)

In fact, the spin-doctors, manufacturing junk truths, have gone as afar as suggesting that Botox® will solve Alzheimer’s. I mean…. How nuts does it get? “It’s just another brain problem, so it surely must help,” seems to be the mentality.

That’s like saying baseball is the same as ping pong (well, they both use little round balls, don’t they?)

199. Positive Symptoms Explained

When was the last time a doctor asked you about positive symptoms? Ha ha! I thought not. But this doctor is very interested in floating the idea of positive signs of good health!

Of course the conventional medical doctor concentrates only on negative symptoms, which point to some disease or other. That’s what they do; it’s the benchmark of their career. Indeed, it would not be possible to function as a good physician if you were not familiar with a vast number of possible symptoms: headache, cramps, diarrhea, skin rash, joint pain and fatigue… these are signals that something is wrong.

200. Politics and Health Cannot Be Avoided

It’s often said that the really dangerous topics that we should all avoid are sex, religion and politics. But I’ve quoted Plato many times before: The price you pay for not being involved in politics is that you end up being governed by inferiors.

Some might say that we end up being governed by idiots anyway; just look around you. Joke: how do you know when a politician is lying? His lips are moving (better say HER lips too these days). That being said, Donald Trump may have something to offer: he’s not a politician

201. Purpose Adds Years Maybe Decades To Your Life

The notion of purpose in life at first may seem ill-defined and even unscientific. But that’s not so. Straight away, there is real science. The sense of purpose has been studied extensively and a growing heap of research is pinning down what it is, and how it affects our lives.

Remarkably, people with a greater sense of purpose live longer, sleep better and have better sex. Purpose cuts the risk of stroke and depression. It helps people recover from addiction or manage their glucose levels if they are diabetic. If a pharmaceutical company could bottle such a treatment, it would make billions. But you can find it for yourself, and it’s free.

202. The Problem With Psychiatrists & Holistic Psychiatry

I’m not so sure about the patients but I am sure about the doctors: psychiatrists are just nuts! They have a fantasy diagnosis system that is not based on any real-world objective test. Not one. Not any! It’s shocking to grasp this but you need to know… it’s true.

The so-called “bible” of psychiatry, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual or DSM (currently number 5 or V), lists over 300 conditions, not one of which exists in reality.

203. Now This I Like. A Tax On Lousy Foods

Now this I like! A tax on crappy foods!

I don’t know how it works in the rest of the world but here in the USA, if you want to get rich, you figure out a crappy cheap product, and sell it for the most you can get, by massive advertising, which tells blatant lies about it’s value and health worth.

You don’t worry about science, you just lie! Untruths work just as well as facts in selling products, you find. If people come along with quality science, showing your product is not only unhealthy but it hurts or kills people, you go into overdrive attacking them. Instead of wasting all that money on advertising, you spend untold $millions on vicious lies to discredit those who claim you are hurting people.

204. Alcohol Is Good For You Despite The Busybodies

You will read me, from time to time, remarking that drinking alcohol is healthy, except in stupid amounts. I’m sorry for the moral campaigners and the teetotallers but facts are facts.

And I mean facts:

Fact 1. People who drink live longer on average than teetotallers. In fact those with the highest alcohol intake, for both men and women, death rates did not reach the same level as that abstainers! That’s pretty bad news for the moralizers.

205. The Alcohol Storm Of Controversy

[If you are allergic to alcohol, keep reading to the end, please. I do get to it!]

No-one can argue that alcohol is not an emotional topic. Alcohol abuse is one of society’s biggest problems.

Controversy is good for the media, they say. Well I certainly stirred up a nestful of angry hornets with last week’s piece. Mostly people who want to go with their prejudices and demand that everyone else obey, regardless of what the facts show.

206. Poor Nutrition, Cannibalism and Violence

The world today is in turmoil. Diets today have hardly ever been worse. Is there a connection between poor eating and violence? Actually, there is.

Now don’t write to me and tell me we were on the verge of starvation since the dawn of history. I know that. Yet human skeletons in the Paleolithic period were healthy, tall and athletic. We were in wonderful physical condition in Paleo times!

Moreover, in both World Wars, when food was extremely scarce, psychotic disease—notably schizophrenia—virtually disappeared until after hostilities ceased.

207. Great Social Experiment Starts Right Here Right Now

Call me a loony, call me outrageous. But I continue to work on research materials that can change Humankind. My Supernoetics® (mind and spirit) writings are advancing rapidly.

I believe I can teach large numbers of people, online, to work on each other’s issues and “clean up the case”, so to speak. I’m willing to do this is a public service. I just need to connect with the curious, caring and courageous people who will give this a shot with me!

208. Diseases That Nobody Wants (Or Has)!

I think I already mentioned my contempt for psychiatry and it’s pseudo-science (well yes, I mention it often, don’t I?)

Most of you know I’m wrapping up a book to defeat all of psychiatry by making the investigation of physical illness mandatory FIRST, before even thinking of medications. Over 95% of so-called mental diseases and patients are in fact things like food allergies (severe depression, schizophrenia, ADD, ADHD, autism, anxiety states, panic attacks, just to name a few…), heavy metal poisoning, hormone lack or imbalance, gut microbiome disorder (what we used to call dysbiosis), and so on…

209. The Truth About CoQ10…

Many of you now know that my ultra-mitochondria healing formula called Mito-Cell Rejuvenator contains generous amounts of Coenzyme Q10. It’s in the form of ubiquinone.

From time to time, people who are not very knowledgeable, and get all their “information” from the Internet via Google, address me as a fool and ask if I know about ubiquinol. This has started to irritate me somewhat, so let me straighten you all out on the TRUTH about forms of CoQ10.

210. Medical Marijuana For Pain Hoax

We hear a lot about so-called “medical marijuana” these days. It’s repeated often enough that people are starting to believe in it.

You won’t hear this term spoken in my house! Nor will you smell the disgusting odor anywhere in my personal space. I have gotten up and walked out when people start with drugs and will continue to do so.

211. Marijuana Last Word and a Postcard from Athens!

I’ve been called a liar. The F-word (again!) This topic, like the one on alcohol, has really brought the flies crawling out of the furniture. There are laughable individuals who claim to know more than me, by “researching” on Google! As if that counted for more than clinical experience.

There is no comparison between offering drugs for pain and solving the origins of the pain. The ONLY sensible medical strategy is to find and eradicate the reason the person is in pain in the first place.

212. Grow a New Brain (Well, Nearly!)

We all remember the daft times when “science” (that word sticks in my throat these days) told us that we could not regrow brain cells. We had just so many and when those were gone… bang! Senility!

No studies, no research, just B*S* opinion, that we couldn’t replace lost brain cells. Then, just a few years ago, a team in La Jolla in California caught some brain cells in the act of dividing! Neurons were replacing themselves!

213. Good Science vs. BAD Science

Several times over the years one or more of my subscribers have asked me to explain what good science looks like. Well, it’s much easier to describe BAD science because it’s everywhere, right in front of your face.

Never mind nit-picking over the “p” number or sample sizes. The whole ambience sucks. This is especially true of medical science, where there are massive financial incentives to cut corners, to cheat, to outright lie.

I like the words of Jon Rappoport, investigative journalist extraordinaire…

214. An Electronic Way to Attain Zen Inner Peace

Everyone knows that meditation is soothing and calming, you relax, your blood pressure comes down and you live longer (well, almost everyone knows).

I used to do it when I was at med school. I had a big passion for all things Japanese, especially Zen Buddhism. I wrote a special form of poetry called Haiku and I won a round-the-world trip for one I wrote in 1967. I worked it out as several hundred dollars per syllable prize money!

The trouble is, it takes years to get good at meditation. Some say 30 years.

215. The Dumbest Science Ever

Never mind about the insane model called the “Big Bang” or the squidgyness of quantum physics. If you want goofy, look at current consciousness theory.

They insist (with no proof of any kind) that consciousness is brain-based. It’s like saying the musicians you hear on radio are in your receiver set, not in the remote studio standing in front of microphones!

216. Scurvy Is Really What Kills Patients In Septic Shock

We need vitamin C to live. That’s why it is a vitamin: the word means “vital amine”, or essential to life.

In centuries gone by, sailors died of scurvy wholesale in the ships of all nations. Then in 1747 Brits finally solved it by giving everyone in the Royal Navy lime juice, rich in vitamin C, and had their sailors in top-top fighting condition. Which, as I like to boast, is why Britain ruled the world for centuries. It’s also why Brits are still called Limeys (or Limey bastards, if you don’t like ‘em!)

217. School and Teachers Are Driving Our Children Insane

Anyone who follows my writings knows that I consider schools, and the current education system, to be no more than child abuse. I’ve said it often: we lock up kids for some of the best years of their lives, prisoners to some of the most dysfunctional weirdos in our society (teachers), and pump them full the absurd nonsense which clearly does NOT work (just look at the world around you and tell me all is cool!)

218. Most Valuable Nutraceutical for YOUR Liver!

If you are even moderately overweight, you probably have a serious problem, which may kill you eventually and you and your doctors would never know. If you are very overweight, you’ll have this condition for sure. It’s called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Let me explain.

Everyone today has heard of metabolic syndrome or metabolic disease: overweight, blood pressure, a tendency to diabetes, lousy blood fats and likely to die young of heart disease; right?

219. Should We Change Our Viewpoint About Dying?

In death there is life. We must die to be reborn… These are hackneyed old religious precepts that come round and round. They are clearly metaphors for some kind of transition process.

In fact, during my own extensively researched science of mind and consciousness I call Supernoetics®, there is every indication that, at the extremes of consciousness (dying and having vivid transpersonal experiences), people do surrender “selfhood” and cease to be as a separate entity, while clearly finding renewed Being and meaning as part of a greater whole that some may term God.

220. The Number One Cause Of All Diseases

Unless you have lived on remote Planet Zod for the last hundred years (some doctors have, I think!) you will know that stress is the number one killer. No question.

But you may be surprised at the emerging mechanism. It’s certainly not intuitive: stress mainly works its mischief by ramping up inflammation. Even short-term stresses (exams, application for a job, etc.) can lead to a temporary rise in inflammatory markers.1

221. Ghastly Yuck “I’d Never Eat That!” But Actually You Do…

Still believe that processed food products are mostly pretty wholesome and, as they often like to claim, ‘full of natural goodness’?

Well, they’re certainly full of something, but perhaps not what you believe. None of us would really choose to eat some of the truly disgusting ingredients that have been cunningly packed inside a strawberry-flavored pudding, ice cream or a hot dog.

222. Wilhelm Reich Genius or Madman?

Wilhelm Reich is one those marvelous, up-front, loud and exciting doctors of the mid 20th century. He had a lot to teach us (perhaps not what most of his devotees think of today). He was trashed by a vicious, greedy, phoney corporate system.

Maybe this quote, I have always supposed to be Steve Jobs, applied to Reich:

“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward…”

Reich was certainly vilified by the establishment and continues to be so today. So was he a genius or a madman?

223. How Big Pharma Created the Opioid Explosion

Here’s a great business plan: trick doctors (who are corrupt and easily misled) into prescribing massive quantities of addictive opioids and then you have an army of suckers (sorry, patients) who need your highly addictive substances. These “suckers” are not addicts in the strict sense: they were trapped by mis-prescribing into needing repeat drugs endlessly, while the pharmacists and treacherous doctors got richer and richer.

Of course at the bottom of the pile of sh*t are the pharmaceutical companies, who put up the initial bribes to get this model going.

224. Why Changing the World… Is Just Routine Here!

This week I want to share a special page I created for you. So the “newsletter” is going to be slightly different, in format and content. Most of what I want to say to you is on the page I’m going to share with you.

The point is, I have a special message for you (for everyone!), which is that things can change! Life as it has been up till now does NOT have to be the way it is FROM now!

225. Discover the Only Pain Management & Anti-Aging Workshop of It’s Kind!

Once a year Dr. Keith and his lovely wife Vivien host a special in-person three day event at their home that they lovingly call the Sanctuary in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Attending this superb micro-current therapy workshop event run by world-class masters John and Lorraine Hache, is one of the best ways to get away and learn the latest groundbreaking techniques in pain management and anti-aging cosmetic procedures.

226. Loneliness Is Just As Toxic As Smoking and Obesity

Those who read my intimate and philosophical writings ( will know that I give special emphasis to LOVE (vitamin L). Love is not just something to give and get but love is who or what we are.

The sense of togetherness and belonging, being valued and appreciated, is crucial to our wellbeing. Put another way, loneliness is pathological. And that’s exactly what science shows.

227. Could a Chatbot Become Your New Therapist?

In a creepy advancement on psychiatry’s inability to truly diagnose anything, we are now faced with artificial intelligence “bots”, which purport to diagnose and help mental conditions. This is a double menace: firstly encoding such a tool with the incompetence and inability of psychiatry to do anything worthwhile in the truly holistic domain—whether by electronic interaction or any other approach—and, secondly, the apparent veneer of being scientifically validated in the minds of many people; “Well, there’s an app. So they must know what they are doing,” kind of faulty reasoning.

I find myself alarmed by the dreary and dangerous future this supposed “development” lays out before us.

228. Hormones and Moods

One of the laughable aspects of modern so-called “science” is when some science-trained twit makes a pronouncement—which is nothing more than an opinion—and then this is passed off as actual science.

Case in point: the place of oxytocin in interpersonal reactions. Who doesn’t know this is the “love hormone” or the “cuddle chemical”? Yet seriously ignorant Professor Mike Ludwig at Edinburgh University, UK, says it’s all “hype”.1

229. 70 Years Of Bad Advice Regarding Antibiotics

Most of you know me. Yes, I’m fairly knowledgeable... but also I’m sometimes just plain contrarian! I don’t like doing what everybody else tells me to do. Perhaps you are the same.

In one respect at least, the science world has come round to my way of thinking. I have always HATED to finish a course of antibiotics. It seems far more likely to disturb your bowel flora if you go on for several days longer than necessary. And that can be serious.

230. Ready for a Laugh? Why Laughter Therapy Really Works!

Most of us are familiar with the extraordinary book The Anatomy Of An Illness by Norman Cousins (1979). In it he describes the therapeutic benefits of laughter. Cousins had crippling arthritis and was told, pretty much, it was incurable.

Well, it wasn’t! Norman Cousins checked out a whole bunch of old movies (Marx Brothers, Candid Camera Episodes, The Three Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, etc.) and laughed his head off for weeks and months.

231. The Story Of Boron the Arthritis Miracle Cure

In my freebie download concerning osteoporosis I drew attention to the little-known requirement for boron. It’s very important for bone health and bone density. In fact it’s vital. But who takes boron supplements? Not many people, I’ll warrant!

I first came across the story told by Rex Newnham, a naturopathic doctor and osteopath who, at that time, lived very near me in the north of England. In a few words, Newnham had developed arthritis and became interested in its physiology.

232. News From The Cutting Edge of Holistic Medicine

A bit newsy this week, folks.

We just finished a POWERFUL 3-day workshop on micro-current therapy (MCT). It’s electroceuticals, which Scientific American magazine has described as “the medicine of the future” (well, I said it first, of course, about 18 years ago, in my book Virtual Medicine! Now republished as Medicine Beyond.

MCT is the use of tiny currents to produce BIG change in the body.

233. Smart Phone Transient Blindness

Old hands following me will know I see the future, clearly. I occasionally run a column I call “I told ‘Em!”, meaning I got there 10, 20, 30, years before everyone else.

Here’s another example, concerning transient smartphone blindness (TSB), a new clinical phenomenon that will likely cause great confusion and neurologic misdiagnosis in orthodox practice.

Published online January 18, 2017, in Neurology, the "Clinical/Scientific Notes" discuss a middle-aged woman who reported temporary, painless monocular (one-sided) visual loss after using a smartphone while lying on her side in bed.

234. Prof. Keith’s Amazing Give Away Abundant Life

This week heralds something very special. I want to help redefine YOUR life in a way which will excite you… a life of abundance and joy. That’s my ultimate definition of true health.

But what do we mean by abundance? It’s an over-worked word that’s kicked around, often by people who clearly have no concept of true abundance.

This is better than just slogan mouthings. It’s real. It has a brilliant definition, which I will come to shortly.

235. A Crime Against Women

Over the years I have several times referred to the abuse of women that is called “mammograms”. Someone commented aggressively on the blog, demanding to know why I took that stance. Clearly she thought I was a subversive idiot and “everybody knows” that mammograms save lives.

Mammograms actually KILL.

Dr. Epstein, M.D., professor emeritus of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at the University of Illinois School of Public Health, and author of an amazing book “The Politics of Cancer Revisited” has described the guidelines as a sham.

236. The One Question Doctors Never Think To Ask…

A few days ago a former sweetheart (between wives!) told me her brother had a kidney infection. She was puzzled because he was usually formidably healthy and had never had anything like it before. It seemed just “out of the blue.”

So I asked the one question that doctors NEVER ask (not even most holistic doctors) and that is:

Did he have dental work just a few days before his kidney infection started?

237. Should We Worry About The Crappy-Food Generation?

Damned right we should.

Several times in my writing I have referred to the “Pottenger’s cats” experiment. It’s in my book Diet Wise, for example, chapter 6, p. 53.

Between 1932 and 1942, Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., M.D., conducted a classic ten-year, multi-generation nutrition study on cats. Certain animals were put on diets consisting only of pasteurized milk and cooked foods, equivalent to our processed foods and quite unlike the normal, healthy cat diet of raw meat. The rest were fed on raw milk and uncooked meat (natural diet).

238. Lyme Disease is The New Syphilis

Before the advent of antibiotics, syphilis was one of the most common infections in the Western World, afflicting up to 10% of the adult populations.

In 1927 Julius Wagner-Jauregg was given the first and only Nobel Prize awarded to a psychiatrist. This was for work done in 1917 in which Wagner-Jauregg had exposed three neurosyphilitic patients to malaria drawn from the blood of a wounded soldier. The resulting high fever killed the syphilis bacterium, leading to their recovery! Given that there were few cures for anything in 1917, Wagner-Jauregg’s achievement was a milestone in psychiatric and medical science. There was now a reliable, albeit risky, cure for neurosyphilis.

239. The Overload Model Of Disease

It’s been wisely said that our bodies are defended from sudden death every single day. As with all living creatures we too are endowed with a number of key regulatory mechanisms. One can only be amazed that they rarely seem to break down, rather than being surprised and disconcerted when they do.

Every day, every minute, trouble is nipped in the bud before it gets started and we remain unaware of what is taking place: in other words, we feel one hundred percent OK. It is only when the defenses are overworked that we actually experience any health problems at all. By the time we are aware of a symptom, any symptom, the defenses have already broken down and matters are really quite serious.

240. Loneliness Again – It Starts With Communication

Some months ago I wrote about loneliness and organized a webinar. It was strange: nearly 200 people signed up for it but only 15 attended. Isn’t that the problem in a nutshell?

If people don’t engage, they will end up feeling lonely (disconnected).

One of the significant layers of this phenomenon of loneliness is a diminished reach, or difficulty reaching out and communicating. People can be in the middle of large crowds and yet feel lonely. Why?

241. There Is More Than One YOU!

The Western mechanistic view of mind-as-brain, or thought as a material process, is far from the only model of our experience of Being. Western science is outrageously arrogant in supposing they have a monopoly on truth, especially when they can’t even be honest about the (considerable) gaps in their theories.

But the bottom line is they don’t really have a model of self at all. People are just an expression of “brain-ness”! We have no souls, no free will and are not really there at all: if the brain were to shut down, we are gone!

242. Beware Of Your 5-A-Day (It Could Be Bad For You!)

Everyone knows we should strive to eat 5 or more portions a day of fruit and veg, right? Well, be careful!

An observational study reported today said that women who ate more fruits and vegetables containing high amounts of pesticide residue were less likely to get pregnant or have a live birth.

Of course we should all eat organic—but there isn’t enough organic food in the world to feed us all at 5-a-day!

243. The Four Magic Questions

I’m sure my buddy Norman Shealy MD won’t mind me mentioning he had some residual pain and malfunction in his foot, after a surgical procedure. I’m telling you that for a reason…

I did not bring a SCENAR/Avazzia-type microcurrent therapy device with me. Otherwise I’m sure we could have fixed it up very quickly. So I had to be inventive and decided to use some Supernoetics® magic. This is something we teach people in Punk Psychology™. You can all give it a shot. It’s easy. Different (oh yes!) and will amuse youngsters especially. But it works at any age.

244. Good Genes Are Nice But LOVE Is Better

Ever since the unravelling of the human genome, the mechanistic scientists have had a field day proclaiming we are just a bunch of “stuff”, made from an accidental molecule called DNA.

It’s all genes is their cry.

In fact it’s now proven that genes have very little to do with anything. They switch on and off so much, you could say we control them, rather than they control us. I sent a case of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (a genetic disorder, supposedly) into complete reversal just by changing his diet! The boy could not climb stairs when he came to me (characteristically, the patient has to go upstairs on their butt, using hands and arms for movement).

245. The Medicine of History: Sick Royalty, Pandemics & More…

I worked for a great surgeon once (great as in: damned good, not as in famous). His name was Arthur Bullough.1 While I was on his firm he became president of the Manchester Medical Society.

He had a terrific idea for his presidential address: The Medicine Of History. NOT, please note, the history of medicine (yawn).

Arthur meant how disease had influenced our history, often in surprising ways.

246. Gratitude: Find The Good In Everything

I always cringe a bit with the gratitude seekers. It’s a semantic thing; we agree on what we are each looking for. I just don’t think of gratitude.

I prefer to think in terms of seeking the good in everything. Not QUITE the same as gratitude. But there is always something good in your day, no matter how bad and frustrating it seems.

If you can learn to focus on the good things and not the problems, you’re halfway to heaven! If you want to call that gratitude, you have my blessing!

247. Another Year – Another Chance to Change Your Life

All year long, I talk to you about ways to prevent disease, fight disease, and live a longer and stronger existence. It's my calling. It's what I love to do. Maybe you've listened and maybe you haven't. We all have our choices to make.

I want to tell you that the time has come to change your life.

No more excuses.

No more waiting.

No more taking the path of least resistance.

248. 10 Myths Of Aging Debunked By Yours Truly

Here I am going to share 10 aging myths. These are false beliefs, often held in place by screwball science (like the cholesterol myth).

Ready? Let’s dive right in!

249. Is This The Las Vegas Disease?

You all know I live in Las Vegas, right? And in case you don’t know, I NEVER gamble (except when in traffic, we are all gambling with our lives, right?)

Even so, Vivien and I show up at the Bellagio for coffee about once a month and we are always astonished to see folks eating their breakfast at the slot machines or tables, some of whom have obviously been there all night. Incredible, but true.

250. Creepy Crawlies All Over Your Face

Yuk! But it’s true: our face is a breeding ground for tiny parasites called face mites. They are small arthropods; that’s in the joint-legged animals group, like spiders and crabs. Eight legs, whereas insects have six. So they are nearer to crabs and ticks.

As parasites go, these are relatively easy to get along with. It’s not a new discovery; scientists have now about them for a long time, in fact since 1842 in France, when D. folliculorum was spotted in human earwax.

251. The Flu Season Is Upon Us

The strain and severity is new. However, the lies, hogwash and fraud are the same as ever…

The push is on to get everyone vaccinated. Never let a good scare story go to waste seems to be the Big Pharma motto, empowered by their lying cronies in the news media.

Why bother though? They have already officially admitted that this year’s flu vaccine (as every year) is pretty worthless. It’s propped up by fake science and phoney statistics.

252. When Science and Fact Are Only Fringe Where Does Truth Go?

I had a very disturbing experience this week… Seems to set a trend for the future, I fear.

I was called by one of my subscribers to act as an expert witness in a court case. I had to testify via camera and microphone online, from my home in Las Vegas to a courtroom in California, which was quite an experience in itself. The issue was whether a responsible parent should rightly be cautious about vaccinations, or even hold back. Or whether that was an irresponsible thing to do?

253. The Age of Post-Truth Science

We are living in the “post-truth” age, we are told (post-truth was the Oxford Dictionary’s word of the year for 2016).

Basically, these days, nobody gives a damn about honesty, truth and integrity. If you don’t like something or someone, just lie about it. If you are lucky it will go viral on the Internet and then everyone will believe it. It “becomes true” by consensus and then you are not a liar anymore.

The frenzied hyenas on social media are there to block any attempt to circulate actual facts.

254. Your Smartphone a Jaundice Meter?

I just love smartphone technology. It’s power to the people; putting self-awareness back into the hands of the patient, instead of doctors pretending it’s some kind of mystery ceremony, that only the initiated priests, who have personal contact with the gods, could possibly understand.

Nowadays you can get little apps that will tell you, for example, how your heart rate variability scores. This number is among the most important measures of stress-relation we have. Put simply, a LOW heart rate variability means HIGH stress levels and, sooner or later, disease.

255. Good For The Chicken Good For Your Eyes

Viv and I are sitting in a café in Redondo Beach (LA) called "Good Stuff". They profess healthy food and to be really healthy you can have omelette made with egg whites only! What? I mean that folly is now YEARS out of date, yet they are still peddling fat-free as "healthy". It's been a disastrous ignorant and foolish episode that has RUINED hundreds of millions of lives, almost certainly led to the current wave of Alzheimer's (our brains need fats for proper function).

Moreover you need fats to absorb many vitamins (A, D, K and E are all fat-soluble). Fat-free is, quite simply, deadly. Yet it's still being peddled for health.

256. Would You Use An Atom Bomb Explosion as a Pesticide?

That’s what the psychiatric profession does! It would clear the pests OK but at what cost? It would destroy the entire landscape, just to “fix” a problem!

Welcome to 21st century psychiatry!

It is bankrupt of ideas and techniques. It cannot define any single psychiatric condition in terms of objective measurable changes (no lab tests of any kind).

257. A Little-Known Simple Slimming Strategy

Connirae Andreas PhD, an internationally known trainer and researcher in NLP, coauthor of the marvelous book Heart Of The Mind, gives a very simple technique, which I have tried, taught others, and found to be valuable.

She calls it the Naturally-Slender Eating Strategy! We all do different things in our minds, when we think about work, love, pleasure and eating. These structured sequences of thought are what NLP practitioners call mind “strategies”. Connirae points out that people who are slim, eat well and stay healthy must be doing something different when they think about food.

258. The Best “Diet” For A Healthy Heart

The statistics for heart disease are not getting any better year after year.  No matter how many pills your cardiologist has you taking or the number of dangerous (and expensive) surgical procedures being performed, people are killed by heart disease at an alarming rate! To top it all off, the "heart healthy diet" your doctor tells you to follow is probably making matters worse!

As a doctor myself, I can tell you that most of what mainstream medicine preaches in regard to protecting your heart is misguided. Basic oversight in the pursuit of profit has created a problem of epidemic proportions.

259. Psychiatry is the Biggest Myth Of Our Time

A major 2018 study (Lancet: 21 February 2018) has claimed that antidepressant medication works. Researchers analyzed data from 522 trials involving 115,477 people and declared that the 21 most common antidepressants tested were effective at reducing the symptoms of depression.

Well, first off, it was NOT a real study. It was a review (a so-called meta-analysis). These are always dangerously biased. There is NO objectivity.

260. How Would You Like To Die?

The so-called Proust Questionnaire has its origins in a parlor game popularized (though not devised) by Marcel Proust, the French essayist and novelist, who believed that, in answering these questions, an individual reveals his or her true nature.

Here is the basic Proust Questionnaire. I think it will add insight if you take a pen and NOTEBOOK (not just a sheet of paper) and start writing your answers, like in a journal.

261. The Benefits Of Higher Cholesterol

I bet that title startled you just a little. The B*S* that cholesterol is dangerous is now so ingrained, people accept it WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE. It’s supposed to be “science”. It’s actually brain washing by Big Pharma and their stooges (deliberately, I might add. The evidence of this false doctrine is out there and has been for decades).

A correspondent recently wrote me and said doctors had accused him of a “death wish”, because he refused to take his statins any longer. That’s how evil the propaganda has become.

262. How to Improve Learning and Retention in 7 Steps

Since my youth, I’ve always been fascinated by ways to improve learning and retention.

As you can imagine, there’s a lot of reading, studying, and focus involved in becoming a doctor, maintaining a practice, communicating with patients (and their loved ones), exploring alternative modalities that work better or in tandem with conventional medicine, and growing a business like the one I’m truly blessed to have.

263. How Bad Does Medical Crime Get? This Bad

There is an old, old saying: if the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail. There’s a lot of wisdom in it!

There are many applications of this old saw and, surprisingly, breast surgery is one of them. I’ve been complaining for years that mastectomy is unnecessary, does no good in terms of survival, but mutilates and wounds a woman, both physically AND mentally.

264. Give Yourself Permission To Say No

As a practising physician, I see a lot of misery and struggle, conflict and self-doubt. It can be quite dangerous, as I have written elsewhere. The person who tends to get cancer—the so-called “cancer personality”—is someone who gives little priority to self, is a people pleaser, self-effacing and overburdened with care for others.

Basically such a person has no life of their own; she (usually female) is so busy running around after other people, she has no time for her own needs and desires. Yet such a person will rarely complain. They bottle up their frustration and that’s what is dangerous.

265. Are You A “Person Of Joy”?

It’s true—you’ve noticed—that some people are a delight to be around. They do something magic with their presence. The very air seems glad to welcome them. Certainly, we feel good when we are near such an individual.

Perhaps they too have their “off-moments”, even off-days. But they keep the negativity to themselves, instead of splashing it around in bucketfuls, as some people choose to do!

266. The Future Of Medicine

I predict the extreme polarization of medical sciences. There will be a small (and diminishing) corps of dedicated individuals; real scientists who want to make a difference. Through them, and only through them, we will continue to make significant advances in medicine.

But their effort will be swamped out by the continuing wave of lies and corruption which passes for “science”. It contains no new discoveries, only new ways of lying about what the pharmaceutical industry is peddling.

267. Vitamin D, Depression & Why Psychiatric Illness is a Cultivated Myth

Vitamin D supplementation may help reduce the symptoms of depression, new results of an updated meta-analysis show.

"People who were vitamin D deficient and depressed seemed to respond best to supplementation, but there was some evidence that supplementation improved depressive symptoms in people who had a normal level of vitamin D," Marissa Flaherty, MD, of the Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, told Medscape Medical News.

268. What Are The 5 Worst Speed Bumps Of Health?

You can enjoy an extra twelve to fourteen years of good life! No really! That’s a promise.

It’s not a pill or potion! You just have to take care of yourself. Deep down, we all know that if you follow healthy lifestyle options, you will live longer. Not just that but you will enjoy better health in your life.

Now we can boil it down to just 5 essential factors. In a large study, which followed over 78,000 women and over 44,000 men, researchers have shown that if you follow a healthy diet (more of that later), exercise regularly, don't smoke, drink moderate amounts of alcohol and maintain a healthy weight you could live more than a decade longer than those who don't do any of these things.1

269. The Gratitude Challenge

One way to transform your life and utterly change the way you see the world, is to work on gratitude. It might seem a bit alien or “New Agey” to concentrate on this. But here’s something you probably don’t know: SCIENCE SHOWS THAT GRATITUDE IS THE ONLY REALLY EFFECTIVE TOOL FOR CREATING HAPPINESS.

A 2005 study by psychologist Martin Seligman, published in the journal American Psychologist, showed that a one time act of thoughtful gratitude produced an immediate 10% increase in happiness and 35% reduction in depressive symptoms, but the effects disappeared within six months and three months, respectively.

270. Eat Dirt It’s Healthy!

I’ve been telling my readers about the “hygiene hypothesis” for years. It’s the obvious fact that we need to encounter pathogens to keep our bodies healthy. If we try and live sterile, it backfires and our immune system goes haywire. Autoimmune diseases are just one possibility. It can even lead to leukemia, as I will explain in a moment.

This will be shocking news to the average (read, silly) American housewife, who thinks it’s her duty to Chlorox every surface continuously, to “protect” her children from “germs”. But of course all that is propaganda and marketing, designed to sell her endless unnecessary—and often quite toxic—cleaning agents.

271. The Fat-Burning Benefits of Sunshine

You hear a lot about the dangers but not so much about the benefits of sunshine. While it’s critical to respect the sun (and enjoy it responsibly), that doesn’t mean avoiding it.

It is the sun that stimulates your body to produce vitamin D. This particular vitamin acts more like an essential hormone inside your body. Without it, a lot of vital systems are left hanging.

Around the world, approximately 1 billion people are deficient in vitamin D...

272. Champagne Is A Whole Food And Good For Your Health!

Now science is backing up what I said!

Over the years, I’ve been so far ahead of the curve, often decades ahead, that I have invented my “I Told ‘Em!” column.

In 1985 I was interviewed by the BBC and am on record as saying “Champagne is good for you. It’s a whole food! There is nothing in the bottle but grapes and bubbles.”

273. You Can’t Make Up Fairies and Angels… But They Can!

A cynical headline perhaps. But it’s true! If you talk about higher beings, other planes of existence, angels, spiritual helpers or discarnate entities, you are considered a cook. That’s all garbage they say; woo-woo nonsense; you need to get a grip on reality.


What’s this reality they are talking about then? It’s mostly made up (invented). First, the dark matter: Over 90% of the universe they call “reality” simply isn’t there

274. Old Masters and New Ideas

I'm not quite sure why early "masters" are so-called. Some of their paintings are gruesomely bad; all wrong anatomically! But Piero della Francesca was a man before his time. Art historian Sir Kenneth Clark attributes to him "the greatest small painting in the world". It's the Flagellation of Christ, hanging in the National Gallery in the ducal palace in Urbino, Italy.

I went to see it yesterday. Here's proof: I'm standing next to it!

275. One of My Most Important Projects EVER!

Most of you who read my works know I stand for much more than bodily health. That's corny, easy-peasy stuff (a cinch, as the Americans would say).

My view of health is bigger, wider, deeper, longer and more detailed. I'm in this for healing lives, not just preserving the body. What's the point of living an extra thirty years, if your life is so meager that you'd rather be dead? Ha ha!

So quietly, over the years, after being one of the world's top 10 in holistic health pioneers, and then helping spearhead the electronic medicine revolution with my book Virtual Medicine, I'm now out in front again, pioneering the subject of CHANGE.

276. Life and Death At Trevi Fountain

I was looking for a shop I knew near the Trevi fountain in Rome. As I pushed through the heaving July crowds (so many people you would need a catapult to get a coin into the fountain at a distance!), I spotted a sad soul almost invisible, low down in a shop entrance.

She crouched low, her head resting on her knees, indifferent to the crowds. She was I guess in her late fifties; a very picture of sorrow, while all around her were milling, equally-indifferent tourists, all having a good time. I wondered for a moment was her grief was. But a more concerted glance told me she was dying. It's an instinct doctors get...

277. Why Obesity Is Just As Dangerous As Malnutrition

Every person experiences inflammation as part of a normal immune system response to infection, sickness, or stress.  This is a system function called acute inflammation and your body needs it.  However, chronic inflammation is a different animal altogether – and one of the leading causes of major disease.

It has been proven to both cause disease and worsen disease.  Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and autoimmune diseases are just some of the horrific consequences of chronic inflammation that rages out of control and is never resolved.

278. Some Of The WORST Science I Have Ever Seen

You know me: "invective" is my middle name! But nothing gets me madder than hokum science. Probably because science is really a sacred doctrine and truth is beyond all measures of human worth. Simply lying, failing and double-talk are horrible and strike at the root of all that's precious and meaningful. Yet that's the standard to which modern "science" has degenerated. It isn't science in the true sense: it's politics, propaganda, opinion and vileness. Never mind the debate over "fake news". Fake science has all but taken over.

What's got Prof ranting this time?

279. The Psychology of Cancer (Crucial)!

I thought I’d write about some peripheral experiences from life. More exactly, someone in Viv’s family, who is having a tough time with a brain tumor. Using my instructions, Viv passed on diet and life-change advice for him and—predictably, if I may say—there was a sharp improvement.

She also suggested adding in the Banerji protocol, which is homeopathic treatment specifically aimed at brain tumors.1 The Banerji brothers, Pratip and the late Prasanta Banerji, have been remarkably successful and achieved remission rates of 7 out of 11 cases of glioblastoma, one of the worst cancers to get (the one that killed Ted Kennedy and has a grip on John McCain).

280. Mayo Clinic Attempts To Kidnap A Teen Girl

In what to me is the most EXTREME example of orthodox medical arrogance, the famous (now infamous) Mayo Clinic tried to bolster its income by refusing to let the patient leave, into her parents care. Ignoring the rights of the patient and her parents, they contemptuously refused a transfer (they lose income), after the parents and the girl herself made it clear they were not happy with what was happening at the Mayo...

281. Understanding Your “Fat Switch”

One of the great breakthroughs in understanding the obesity epidemic of recent years has been the discovery of the so-called “fat switch”. It’s a metaphor for the idea that creating fat in our bodies can be turned on, or turned off. How marvelous it would be to flip the switch to off and start burning fat, instead of accumulating fat...

282. Flat Earthers And Puritans Try To Take Over Medicine!

“Coconut oil is pure poison. It is one of the worst foods you can eat.” That’s the message of a lecture from Dr. Karin Michels of Harvard School of Public Health, which is currently making the rounds on YouTube. Of course the Pharma-friendly media are fanning the flames too...

283. Is LOVE a Vitamin?

Well, it's certainly a nutrient. It makes you feel good w-a-y beyond what you get from a nice smoothie! What got me started this time is watching some super movies with my wife Vivien.

We like feel-good movies. There are some wonderful experiences out there. A warm loving ending leaves you uplifted; we all know that. But these modern Hollywood bang-and-splat blood-everywhere movies leave you feeling sick and disgusted. We never watch them but feel sorry for those that do...

284. Is Weight Loss An Abusive Suggestion?

If there is one thing CERTAIN about people who weigh 300 lbs. or more it is this: They are seriously screwed up psychologically. No self-respecting person would allow themselves to grow into such a mountain of ugly, unhealthy lard.

Trouble is, when we suggest this is not a good state to be in, apparently WE are the abusers and they are the “victims”. Victims of what? Gluttony, idiocy, self-negligence?

285. Healing A Lifetime Of Love At My Home In Las Vegas

Not healing “the love of a lifetime”, note. That expression means something slightly different, doesn’t it? No, I’m talking about fixing our lifelong track record of messed up loves.

Can it be done? Isn’t it too late for most cases? Surprisingly not. Read on…

286. Eat Fat Grow Slim Live Longer is The Mantra!

Once-blobby UK politician Tom Watson left a lot of people scratching their heads recently when he revealed he has lost 45 kilograms (over 100 lbs) and reversed his type 2 diabetes on a low-carb diet. Although it was coupled with an exercise regime, this is not supposed to be a healthy way to eat, so the “experts” say. Experts at what? Blather, ignorance and fake science...

287. Water Is The Most Astonishing Substance in The Universe

Yes, water is essential to life. Everyone knows that. But it's a far, far bigger issue than you could ever imagine! Water is also about how our bodies work. It's actually how LIFE works. I'm talking mechanics, not just staying hydrated.

Listen to me…

288. The Language Of Love

How do you recognize you are cherished?

How do you know you are loved? No, that's not such a silly question. Love is very abstract. Someone can say "I love you" but how do you recognize it is true?

Let’s start with the example of happiness…

289. Winter Virus Advice From The Prof

OK, winter is coming. Get your flu shots… Yada Yada Yada…

On second thoughts, don’t bother. The influenza vaccine is one of the worst ever. It just doesn’t perform (But you’d better get it! You’ll die if you don’t!)...

290. Reversing The Rise In Maternal Death Rates

Throughout the Western world one of the prime statistics, if not THE statistic, by which the state of public health is judged, is so-called “infant mortality”.

Infant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of deaths per 1,000 live births of children under one year of age.

Now, we’re mostly Boomers on my list of subscribers, I know. But it’s still important to be aware of the overall health of our society...

291. I Want To Feel, I Want To LOVE, I Want To Sing And Dance

OK, enough of the medical politics already! (no, I’m not Jewish; just a jokey figure of speech). I’ve done enough bashing Big Pharma lately.

You get tired of evil. Let’s get back to our main work, which is growing old gracefully—or disgracefully as someone joked. It’s true: BOOMERS WANT TO LIVE FOREVER! Or if we can’t, we want to go on partying till our last day on Earth.

No crumbly old age and decrepitude for us. I defy even wrinkles! I want to make love to my darling wife often and effectively. I want to enjoy vigorous walks on the beautiful wilds of Nature that God gave us...


All content within this information letter is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech laws in all the civilized world. The information herein is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind.

In no event shall Professor Scott-Mumby be liable for any consequential damages arising out of any use of, or reliance on any content or materials contained herein, neither shall Professor Scott-Mumby be liable for any content of any external internet sites listed and services listed.

Always consult your own licensed medical practitioner if you are in any way concerned about your health. You must satisfy yourself of the validity of the professional qualifications of any health care provider you contact as a result of this newsletter.